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  1. Other Specification Feedback
  2. OTHER-2780

Impossible to meaniningfully review in alloted time


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • HL7/IHE Specification: Service-oriented Device Point-of-care Interoperability Technical Framework (OTHER)
    • 2024JAN
    • Devices
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      See discussion comment posted 2024.02.22.   


      1. Provide short (10 minute) recordings to help reviewers understand what they are looking at
      2. Provide ballot reviewer instructions that help clarify (1) what to expect and (2) what to focus on or how to approach review of the specification 
        • In IHE supplement development, there are incremental reviews starting with business cases, then Vol 1, 2, 3. etc.
        • FOR HL7 Balloters ... who have not been part of that multi-year SDPi journey, consider focusing a ballot on specific areas that would follow a similar journey - e.g., starting with general scope and use cases
      3. Provide clarity regarding use case descriptions (namely, TF-1C ... mapped to profiles as appropriate) 
      4. Perform a "readability" editorial review of the current specification to identify means for facilitating review, commenting and implementation


      See discussion comment posted 2024.02.22.    Resolution: Provide short (10 minute) recordings to help reviewers understand what they are looking at Provide ballot reviewer instructions that help clarify (1) what to expect and (2) what to focus on or how to approach review of the specification  In IHE supplement development, there are incremental reviews starting with business cases, then Vol 1, 2, 3. etc. FOR HL7 Balloters ... who have not been part of that multi-year SDPi journey, consider focusing a ballot on specific areas that would follow a similar journey - e.g., starting with general scope and use cases Provide clarity regarding use case descriptions (namely, TF-1C ... mapped to profiles as appropriate)  Perform a "readability" editorial review of the current specification to identify means for facilitating review, commenting and implementation  
    • John Rhoads / Javier Espina : 7-0-1
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive
    • 2024JAN

      This document is too massive to be reviewed. In printed form it is over 220 pages long. It needs to be broken into coherent smaller documents to be reviewed individually. It is impossible to meaningfully read, digest and comment on in its current form in the time provided.

      (Comment 20 - imported by: Ron G. Parker)

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            Rongparker Ron G. Parker
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