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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-44954

Create Coordinating Request Task and Contributing Provider Request Task Profiles


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Da Vinci Patient Cost Transparency (PCT) (FHIR)
    • 1.1.0
    • Financial Mgmt
    • Artifacts Summary
    • Corey Spears / Jeff Brown: 5-0-1
    • Enhancement
    • Compatible, substantive

      Tasks need to be created to support the request GFE workflow. There needs to be an organizing Task representing the task overall and individual contributing provider tasks assigned to specific providers.

      • Create a Coordinating GFE Request Task Profile with the following requirements:
        • Title: PCT Coordinating GFE Request Task
        • Description: The PCT Coordinating Good Faith Estimate (GFE) Request Task is used to organize a GFE Request for a single period of care for which all GFE contributing provider tasks will be linked. The task includes the general inputs that are shared across all of the GFE contributing provider tasks. These inputs may include a 'primary' service and relevant conditions.
        • requested-period extension 0..1 MS
          • only valuePeriod 1..1 MS (description: Time period the requested GFE should be provided in)
            • start 0..0
            • end 1..1
        • request-initiation-time extension 1..1 MS (description: Estimate Request instant)
          • only valueInstant 1..1
        • planned-service-period 0..1 MS (description: Overall planned period of service the request is about)
          • only valuePeriod 1..1
            • start 1..1 
            • end MS
        • task-replaces 0..1 MS
          • description: Indicates a related previous task that had been completed to terminated.
          • long description: If a previous request was completed or cancelled that largely represents this current task it may be useful for GFE contributing providers to be able to refer to the previous request. This may happen when something about a GFE collection request changes so much that it requires re-issuing the request by cancelling the first one and creating a new one. GFE contributing providers may want to refer back to the previous request in order to help them populate a response to the new one.
        • identifier slice for placer and intermediary, reflecting the requirements of the GFE Claim profiles
        • partOf 0..0 (description: The coordinating request is not part of a greater request)
        • status required binding for Task status (draft, requested, in-progress, cancelled, on-hold, failed, completed, entered-in-error)
        • Status reason codes from IG defined set including (fulfilled, time-limit-reached, no-longer-needed, service-canceled, requires-new-request, patient-declined)
        • intent = order
        • code = gfe-coordinating-request
        • requester from PCTPractitioner, US Core PractitionerRole, PCT Organization)
        • owner 0..0 (description: Coordinating task does not have a specific performer. GFE Contributing Provider Tasks have specific performers)
        • performerType 0..0 (description: Coordinating task does not have a specific performer. GFE Contributing Provider Tasks have specific performers)
        • reasonCode binding from IG defined codes (scheduled-request, nonscheduled-request)
        • restriction 0..0
        • input 1..* MS (description: Information and references to service and supporting information, such as Conditions, Observations, and notes)
        • input - add requirement pointing to a request information bundle profile (FHIR-44970) with a note that this bundle may be contained in the Task.input (e.g. attachment) or a reference to the bundle resource on the coordination platform. 
        • output MS (description: Any outputs for the coordinating task which might include notes on why the coordinating task was unable to be completed.
      • Create a GFE Contributing Provider Request Task Profile with the following requirements:  
        • Title: PCT GFE Contributing Provider Request Task
        • Description: The PCT Good Faith Estimate (GFE) Provider Request Task is used by a requesting provider to assign a GFE request task to a specific provider and may include information specific to that request.
        • requested-period extension 0..1 MS
          • only valuePeriod 1..1 (description: GFE Contributing Provider specific time period the requested GFE should be provided in)
            • start 0..0
            • end 1..1
        • request-initiation-time extension 1..1 MS (description: Estimate Request instant)
          • only valueInstant 1..1
        • planned-service-period 0..1 MS (description: Overall planned period of service the request is about)
          • only valuePeriod 1..1
            • start 1..1 
            • end MS
        • identifier slice for placer and intermediary, reflecting the requirements of the GFE Claim profiles
        • partOf 1..1 Reference only PCT Coordinating Task (description: Reference to the coordinating GFE request task)
        • status required binding for Task status (draft, requested, received, in-progress, cancelled, on-hold, failed, completed, entered-in-error)
        • Status reason codes from IG defined set including (fulfilled, schedule, service-not-provided)
        • intent = order
        • code = gfe-request
        • requester from PCTPractitioner, US Core PractitionerRole, PCT Organization)
        • performerType MS
        • owner 1..1 from PCTPractitioner, US Core PractitionerRole, PCT Organization) (description: GFE Contributing Provider assigned to complete the GFE request)
        • reasonCode 0..0 (description: The reasonCode is inherited from the Coordinating GFE Request Task pointed to by Task.partOf)
        • restriction 0..0
        • input MS (description: Information and references to service and supporting information, such as Conditions, Observations, and notes)
        • input - add requirement pointing to a gfe request information bundle profile (FHIR-44970) with a note that this bundle may be contained in the Task.input (e.g. attachment) or a reference to the bundle resource on the coordination platform. 
        • output MS (description: Any outputs from the GFE Contributor including the GFE Bundle or notes on why the specific task was unable to be completed).

            Unassigned Unassigned
            corey_spears Corey Spears
            1 Start watching this issue
