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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-40075

Update the name of the IG to be less generic.


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Not Persuasive with Modification
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    • Human Services Directory (FHIR)
    • 1.0.0-ballot
    • Human and Social Services
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      The Overview and/or Introduction sections' narrative content will be updated to clarify the purpose for the IG (provide a mapping between FHIR profile.elements and a reference model for human services directory content (Human Services Data Specification (HSDS) v.2.0.1). The (current) HSDS model contains information about organizations and the services those organizations provide at various locations. These directories do not include individual (human) provider information. (see somewhat related issue FHIR-39890): )

       We will also define various terms of art that are/will be used (e.g., Human Services, Social Services) as well as will clarify the relationship of the human services directories to other directories (e.g., National Provider Directory, Plan-Net Provider Directory) to reflect that the Human Services Directory is a separate, but complementary implementation guide. 

      The Overview and/or Introduction sections' narrative content will be updated to clarify the purpose for the IG (provide a mapping between FHIR profile.elements and a reference model for human services directory content (Human Services Data Specification (HSDS) v.2.0.1). The (current) HSDS model contains information about organizations and the services those organizations provide at various locations. These directories do not include individual (human) provider information. (see somewhat related issue FHIR-39890 ): )  We will also define various terms of art that are/will be used (e.g., Human Services, Social Services) as well as will clarify the relationship of the human services directories to other directories (e.g., National Provider Directory, Plan-Net Provider Directory) to reflect that the Human Services Directory is a separate, but complementary implementation guide. 
    • Serafina Versaggi / Chirag Bhatt : 14 - 0 - 0
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive

      The name "Human Services" is too broad as that can encompass much more than the healthcare, social, and community srevices in scope now and generally. Additionally, it is not only about services (who does what), but also just the who (providers, CBOs, etc.). Suggest to use Health Services Directory instead and then clarify the main three categories (which have some overlap) of healthcare (acute care, outpatient, ambulatory, long-term, home, etc.), social services, and community services. And then the initial scope can be on any relevant subset of that, while still acknowledging and maintaining the need for these all to be able to reside in one directory for those stakeholders that interact with all.

      (Comment 3 - imported by: Hans Buitendijk)

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            hbuitendijk Hans Buitendijk
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