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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-39223

Forcing trans and non-binary people to fit into these narrow views is the opposite of being apolitical. .


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Highest Highest

      By adhering to outdated understanding of sex and gender, by reinforcing stereotypes and a binary of sex and gender, by using language that continues to perpetuate outdated beliefs, stigma and discrimination, by forcing trans and non-binary people to fit into these narrow views is the opposite of being apolitical. "don't find the argument of discrimination being persuasive". I find this offensive. Discrimination, and the impact of discrimination, is best defined by the the people who actually experience it every day. It is real. It is profound. And because of that discrimination and stigma which this approach reinforces, means, once again, we will be continually harmed and at some point just not come back. There is a reason why suicide attempt rates are 50% among our community. Each time we see these microagressions in our community, in our healthcare system, draws a bit more from our tank. Until there is nothing left. My very existence is political. And quite frankly, I'm tired of having to prove over and over my existence, experiences ignored, and made to try to fit a system that was not designed for me rather than finally making a system designed by the very people we aim to care for. I'm tired. So tired of this.

      (Comment 31 - imported by: Ron G. Parker)

            Rongparker Ron G. Parker
            Rongparker Ron G. Parker
            3 Start watching this issue
