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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-35254

compoundDrugLinkingNum needs more guidance


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Not Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • US Da Vinci Patient Cost Transparency (PCT) (FHIR)
    • 0.1.0 [deprecated]
    • Financial Mgmt
    • STU
    • PCT Good Faith Estimate Institutional
      PCT Good Faith Estimate Professional
    • Hide

      The compoundDrugLinkingNum is not needed and will be removed.

      This involves removing:

      • the extension compoundDrugLinkingNum
      • the references and constraints to compoundDrugLinkingNum exention in the pct-gfe-Institutional and pct-gfe-Institutional profiles
      • the inclusion of the compoundDrugLinkingNum extension from the example 
      The compoundDrugLinkingNum is not needed and will be removed. This involves removing: the extension compoundDrugLinkingNum the references and constraints to compoundDrugLinkingNum exention in the pct-gfe-Institutional and pct-gfe-Institutional profiles the inclusion of the compoundDrugLinkingNum extension from the example  PCT-GFE-Institutional-1
    • Corey Spears / Paul Knapp : 8-0-1
    • Correction
    • Non-compatible

      The extension compoundDrugLinkingNum on Claim.item.detail is not defined. It is unclear what the purpose of this extension is what what ID is supposed to be included. Provide more guidance.


      Verify that a choice type between id and integer is necessary. It seems having a choice is not required. perhaps should simple by valueIdentifier?

            Unassigned Unassigned
            corey_spears Corey Spears
            1 Start watching this issue
