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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-34903

PCT GFE Institutional - Identifiers. Add slices to .identifier rather than creating extensions


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Da Vinci Patient Cost Transparency (PCT) (FHIR)
    • 0.1.0 [deprecated]
    • Financial Mgmt
    • STU
    • PCT Good Faith Estimate Institutional
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      Remove extension gfeProviderAssignedIdentifier, interTransIdentifier and references from pct-gfe-Institutional

      Add slice to pct-gfe-Institutional and Claim.Identifier pattern match

      Add slice to pct-gfe-Institutional and  Claim.Identifier pattern match

      • Identifier.type PCTIdentifierType|INTER "Intermediary Identifier"
      • cardinality to 0..*
      • Short description "Intermediary System Identifier"

      Add slice to davinci-pct-aeob ExplanationOfBenefit.Identifier pattern match

      • Identifier.type PCTIdentifierType|INTER "Intermediary Identifier"
      • cardinality to 0..*
      • Short description "Intermediary System Identifier"


      Create CodeSystem:

      Id: PCTIdentifierType

      Title:  PCT Identifier Type

      Description: Defining codes for types of identifiers

      Code: INTER "Intermediary System Identifier" "Identifier assigned by an intermediary system"

      If "INTER" Code is added to THO before approval for publishing, the PCTIdentifierType CodeSystem will be deleted and the binding will be changed appropriately

      Remove extension gfeProviderAssignedIdentifier, interTransIdentifier and references from pct-gfe-Institutional Add slice to pct-gfe-Institutional and Claim.Identifier pattern match Identifier.type http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203 |PLAC "Placer Identifier" cardinality to 1..1 Short description "Provider Assigned Identifier for GFE Claim" Add slice to pct-gfe-Institutional and  Claim.Identifier pattern match Identifier.type PCTIdentifierType|INTER "Intermediary Identifier" cardinality to 0..* Short description "Intermediary System Identifier" Add slice to davinci-pct-aeob ExplanationOfBenefit.Identifier pattern match Identifier.type PCTIdentifierType|INTER "Intermediary Identifier" cardinality to 0..* Short description "Intermediary System Identifier"   Create CodeSystem: Id: PCTIdentifierType Title:  PCT Identifier Type Description: Defining codes for types of identifiers Code: INTER "Intermediary System Identifier" "Identifier assigned by an intermediary system" If "INTER" Code is added to THO before approval for publishing, the PCTIdentifierType CodeSystem will be deleted and the binding will be changed appropriately
    • Corey Spears / Vanessa Candelora : 20-0-1
    • Correction
    • Non-compatible

      Suggest we use slices on Identifier with the appropriate types for identifiers and remove the extensions that were added:

      1. gfeProviderAssignedIdentifier (header level provider assigned identifier for this 'claim'.)

      2. interTransIdentifier (header level identifier for transmission intermediaries)


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            mkmcdaniel Mary Kay McDaniel
            4 Start watching this issue
