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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-34527

Remove most must-support flags on profiles


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Da Vinci Drug Formulary (FHIR)
    • 1.2.0
    • Pharmacy
    • STU
    • Payer Insurance Plan
    • Hide

      Make the following Must Support changes to profiles in the implementation guide:

      • PayerInsurancePlan
        • Add MS - meta.lastUpdated (Mandatory and used as a SHALL search parameter)
      • Formulary
        • Add MS - meta.lastUpdated (Mandatory and used as a SHALL search parameter)
      • FormularyItem
        • Add MS - meta.lastUpdated (Mandatory and used as a SHALL search parameter)
        • Add MS - Extension:PharmacyBenefitType (previously defined as PharmacyType FHIR-34756) (changed to mandatory by FHIR-36142)
        • Remove MS – Extensions:PriorAuthorizationNewStartsOnly
        • Remove MS – Extensions:StepTherapyLimitNewStartsOnly
        • Remove MS – Extensions:QuantityLimitDetail
      • FormularyDrug
        • Add MS - meta.lastUpdated (Mandatory and used as a SHALL search parameter)
      • InsurancePlanLocation
        • Remove MS – name
        • Remove MS – description
        • Add Comment for conditional MS – Extension:location-boundary-geojson - MustSupport for this element is optional if there is support for address
        • Add Comment for conditional MS –  address - MustSupport for this element is optional if there is support for Extension:location-boundary-geojson


      Make the following Must Support changes to profiles in the implementation guide: PayerInsurancePlan Add MS - meta.lastUpdated (Mandatory and used as a SHALL search parameter) Formulary Add MS - meta.lastUpdated (Mandatory and used as a SHALL search parameter) FormularyItem Add MS - meta.lastUpdated (Mandatory and used as a SHALL search parameter) Add MS - Extension:PharmacyBenefitType (previously defined as PharmacyType FHIR-34756 ) (changed to mandatory by FHIR-36142 ) Remove MS – Extensions:PriorAuthorizationNewStartsOnly Remove MS – Extensions:StepTherapyLimitNewStartsOnly Remove MS – Extensions:QuantityLimitDetail FormularyDrug Add MS - meta.lastUpdated (Mandatory and used as a SHALL search parameter) InsurancePlanLocation Remove MS – name Remove MS – description Add Comment for conditional MS – Extension:location-boundary-geojson - MustSupport for this element is optional if there is support for address Add Comment for conditional MS –  address - MustSupport for this element is optional if there is support for Extension:location-boundary-geojson  
    • Corey Spears / Dave Hill: 11-0-2
    • Correction
    • Non-compatible

      This tracker could be N/A if FHIR-34526 is resolved in a way that defines must-support in a sufficiently loose way.  However, if must-support is defined in a strict way, such has how US Core defines it, then we should remove most of the MS flags on the properties on most of the profiles so we don't prevent interop between real systems (see FHIR-34526 on some examples of why).  This is basically a lesson learned from attempting to implement US Core :/.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            cooper.thompson Cooper Thompson
            2 Start watching this issue
