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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-34526

IG needs a definition of "must-support"


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium

      I didn't see any definition of "must-support" in this IG, but there are several properties marked as must-support.


      Note:  if you opt to use the US Core definition of must-support, then I'll want to submit comments to remove most of the must-support tags from the profiles.  The major issue with must-support is that most folks think that it can be used to require systems to send a property.  But instead, the real impact is that it prevents a system from sending data they have if they don't have the MS property available.


      For example (assuming US Core definition), if someone doesn't have a geojson boundary for a Location, then it is not possible for the system to send a compliant InsurancePlanLocation resource.  And because PayerInsurancePlan.coverageArea is must-support, if the location can't be sent, then neither can the insurance plan.  Basically, unless everything works perfect (including end user data entry), must-support basically prevents interop using this IG.  (Again, assuming the US Core definition).

            Unassigned Unassigned
            cooper.thompson Cooper Thompson
            2 Start watching this issue
