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  1. V2 Specification Feedback
  2. V2-25401

Deprecate SN.1 (Comparator) value of "="


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Not Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • V2.x Message Specification (V2)
    • V2.9
    • Infrastructure & Messaging
    • Data Types (Chapter 2A)
    • 2A.3.71.1
    • Hide

      Rejected per guidance from OO 

      Rejected per guidance from OO 
    • Craig Newman / Brian Frankl : 2-0-0

      This section states as follows.

      Definition: Defined as greater than, less than, greater than or equal, less than or equal, equal, and not equal, respectively ( ">" or "<" or ">=" or "<=" or "=" or "<>").
      If this component is not valued, it defaults to equal ("=").

      It's not clear what the use case is for "=", and I think that value should be deprecated. In the case where SN.2 is populated, and SN.3 and SN.4 are not populated, and SN.1 is populated with "=" (either explicitly or by default) then it wouldn't be appropriate to use the SN data type for an observation in the first place; just use NM. In the case where SN.2, SN.3, and SN.4 are all populated to indicate a range or ratio then setting SN.1 to "=" doesn't make any mathematical sense. In the case where SN.2 and SN.3 are populated to indicate a categorical result then setting SN.1 to "=" also doesn't make any mathematical sense.

      We might want to check with the OO work group before making this change.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            nradov Nick Radov
            6 Start watching this issue
