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  1. Project Scope Statements/Proposals
  2. PSS-2264

PACIO Standardized Medication Profile - US Realm (SMP US)


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    • Resolution: Done
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      As patients move through the healthcare system there is a need for a consistent, standardized approach to exchanging with other care team members and payers the medications and medication related information for the patient as they move from mode to mode during transitions of care (ToC).

      Building on the work done for the Patient Medication List Guidance and PACIO projects, this implementation guide will formalize the FHIR representation.

      As patients move through the healthcare system there is a need for a consistent, standardized approach to exchanging with other care team members and payers the medications and medication related information for the patient as they move from mode to mode during transitions of care (ToC). Building on the work done for the Patient Medication List Guidance and PACIO projects, this implementation guide will formalize the FHIR representation.
    • Pharmacy
    • Electronic Health Record
      Patient Care
    • NCPDP
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      TabulaRasa HealthCare Yardi, https://www.yardi.com/products/senior-living-software-suite/
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      IMPACT Act of 2014, see https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/COMPS-11121/pdf/COMPS-11121.pdf.

      CMS: IMPACT Act of 2014 Data Standardization & Cross Setting Measures
      On October 6, 2014, the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (the IMPACT Act) was signed into law. The Act requires the submission of standardized data by Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs), Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs), Home Health Agencies (HHAs) and Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs). Standardized data are to be collected by the commonly used assessment instruments: The Long-Term Care Hospital CARE Data Set (LCDS) for LTCHs, the Minimum Data Set (MDS) for SNFs, the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) for HHAs, and the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Patient Assessment Instrument (IRF PAI) for IRFs.

      IMPACT Act: Service Providers/Settings
      The IMPACT Act mandates the collection and reporting of standardized data in the following post-acute care settings: Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs), Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs), Home Health Agencies (HHAs) and Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs).

      Specific information about each setting and reporting tools can be found at:
      Long Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs)
      Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs)
      Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs)
      Home Health Agencies (HHAs)
      IMPACT Act of 2014, see https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/COMPS-11121/pdf/COMPS-11121.pdf . CMS: IMPACT Act of 2014 Data Standardization & Cross Setting Measures On October 6, 2014, the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (the IMPACT Act) was signed into law. The Act requires the submission of standardized data by Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs), Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs), Home Health Agencies (HHAs) and Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs). Standardized data are to be collected by the commonly used assessment instruments: The Long-Term Care Hospital CARE Data Set (LCDS) for LTCHs, the Minimum Data Set (MDS) for SNFs, the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) for HHAs, and the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Patient Assessment Instrument (IRF PAI) for IRFs. IMPACT Act: Service Providers/Settings The IMPACT Act mandates the collection and reporting of standardized data in the following post-acute care settings: Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs), Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs), Home Health Agencies (HHAs) and Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs). Specific information about each setting and reporting tools can be found at: Long Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs) Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs) Home Health Agencies (HHAs) Hospice
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      Product Family Product Project Intent Lineage Ballot Type Target Cycle Actions
      Implementation Guide
      Create New R1 Standard
      Joint Ballot with other SDO
      May 2024
    • SMP
    • N/A
    • No
    • Yes
    • NCPDP
    • Academic/Research, Association/Goverment Agency, Consultant, Healthcare IT Vendors, Healthcare Provider/user, Other, Patients, Payer/Third Party Administrator, Pharmaceutical/Biotech, Providers, Regulatory Agency, Standards Development Organizations (SDOs), Vendor/Manufacturer
    • US

      Identify and define the components of an interoperable medication and medication related information exchange for clinicians, patients, payers and caregivers to use for the exchange of essential medication information during transitions of care (ToC) to and from hospitals, ambulatory, and long-term & post-acute care (LTPAC) settings.

      Develop a FHIR Implementation Guide focused on the US jurisdiction (may be portable to other jurisdictions but outside the scope of this project) for a Standardized Medication Profile (SMP) group of profiles. The profiles in the SMP IG will use and extend (as necessary) US Core profiles and provide mechanisms for the exchange of essential medication and medication related information. The work will also align with and use the Post-Acute Care Interoperability (PACIO) Project implementation Guides. The resulting Implementation Guide will be verified with a Connectathon track prior to submission for a Standard for Trial Use (STU) ballot and publication. 

      The intent is to perform a joint ballot with NCPDP.

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            Unassigned Unassigned
            a_stechishin Andy Stechishin
            Mary Kay McDaniel Mary Kay McDaniel
            Andy Stechishin Andy Stechishin
            12 Start watching this issue
