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  1. Project Scope Statements/Proposals
  2. PSS-1807

Project to increase consistency & quality of FHIR-authored implementation guides


    • Icon: Project Scope Statement Project Scope Statement
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Medium Medium
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      Work groups and accelerators are now creating a significant volume of FHIR implementation guides. The templates and tooling are also increasingly being used by organizations, SDOs and other stakeholders outside HL7 international. These guides have largely migrated to using a common publishing template, however there are still significant variations in how implementation guides are organized and presented. As well, the common templates will need to continue to evolve to support new requirements and to improve implementation guide authoring, presentation, navigation, usability and accessibility for different audiences/consumers. This may involve configuration/variation for different types of guides.

      Work groups and accelerators are now creating a significant volume of FHIR implementation guides. The templates and tooling are also increasingly being used by organizations, SDOs and other stakeholders outside HL7 international. These guides have largely migrated to using a common publishing template, however there are still significant variations in how implementation guides are organized and presented. As well, the common templates will need to continue to evolve to support new requirements and to improve implementation guide authoring, presentation, navigation, usability and accessibility for different audiences/consumers. This may involve configuration/variation for different types of guides.
    • FHIR Infrastructure
    • CDA Management Group
      Clinical Decision Support
      FHIR Mgmt Group
      Infrastructure & Messaging
      Modeling & Methodology
      Terminology Infrastructure
      V2 Mgmt Group
    • IHE, other SDOs
    • All HL7 (and other) IG authors
    • Filter by
      Product Family Product Project Intent Lineage Ballot Type Target Cycle Actions
    • FHIR-based IG Governance
    • N/A
    • No
    • No
    • Universal
    • Administrative Steering Division

      This project will coordinate the solicitation, review and endorsement of implementation guide authoring guidelines for implementation guides constructed using FHIR publication machinery - whether produce by HL7 or 'external' stakeholders. It will also make recommendations to the product family management groups and TSC about guidelines to be enforced as part of balloting and publication processes. Finally it will vet and, as necessary, solicit community feedback on proposed changes to either the base template, HL7 template, product family templates and IG Publisher that affect the IG authoring process and/or the IG reading and consumption process. This covers all product families using the FHIR IG publication machinery (i.e. FHIR, CDA, v2 and possibly others).

      This project will not cover product family methodologies, but may provide feedback to and/or seek guidance from MnM/CDA/InM around methodology choices. It will also liaise with FHIR-I around the structure and function of the resources used to define implementation guides. Management groups (and the TSC) will be the final arbiters of what requirements will be mandated for HL7 publications of different types.

            mitrep9g Paul Denning
            lloyd Lloyd McKenzie
            Lloyd McKenzie Lloyd McKenzie
            Lloyd McKenzie Lloyd McKenzie
            13 Start watching this issue
