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  1. Project Scope Statements/Proposals
  2. PSS-1716

Radiation Dose Summary for Diagnostic Procedures on FHIR


    • Icon: Project Scope Statement Project Scope Statement
    • Resolution: Done
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      The IHE Dose Reporter actor from the IHE REM profile gather Radiation information and dose reports from modalities. However, there is no standardization of the exposure of the gathered data to third parties in light format/API.  Dose Management systems need to share information related to the exam to multiple third parties : Mobile Applications, RIS/EHR, and third backend systems. 

      The DICOM RDSRs have a complete and a strong structure for sharing the dose information from the modalities to the Dose Consumer/Reporter actors, and also between the Dose Reporter and the Dose Registry systems. However, most of third party application have a very light needs for the Dose report. For example, RIS systems in France needs only for CT Dose Length Product Total from the CT RDSR, in order to fit local reglementations. 

      The emergence of HL7 FHIR simplified the exchange between backend applications and third parties through the exchange of normalized resources. This project allows to share minimal dose information through FHIR resources.

      The IHE Dose Reporter actor from the IHE REM profile gather Radiation information and dose reports from modalities. However, there is no standardization of the exposure of the gathered data to third parties in light format/API.  Dose Management systems need to share information related to the exam to multiple third parties : Mobile Applications, RIS/EHR, and third backend systems.  The DICOM RDSRs have a complete and a strong structure for sharing the dose information from the modalities to the Dose Consumer/Reporter actors, and also between the Dose Reporter and the Dose Registry systems. However, most of third party application have a very light needs for the Dose report. For example, RIS systems in France needs only for CT Dose Length Product Total from the CT RDSR, in order to fit local reglementations.  The emergence of HL7 FHIR simplified the exchange between backend applications and third parties through the exchange of normalized resources. This project allows to share minimal dose information through FHIR resources.
    • Imaging Integration
    • Clinical Quality Information
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      Clinical Decision Support
      Pharmacy Clinical Decision Support CodeX
    • GE Healthcare
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      Product Family Product Project Intent Lineage Ballot Type Target Cycle Actions
      Implementation Guide
      Create New R1 Standard
      September 2021
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      Radiation dose summary
      Dose Summary on FHIR
      Dose Report
      Radiation dose summary Dose Summary on FHIR Dose Report
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      DICOM SR PS3.16
      DICOM PS3.20
    • Universal
    • Administrative Steering Division


      • Share a summary of dose information by exam through FHIR
      • Irradiations received by the patient
      • The targeted modalities are CT/XA/RF/MG/NM

      Out Of Scope

      • Share details of the radiation administration
      • Share enhanced data (SSDE, Organ Dose, etc) to third applications
      • Irradiations received by the practitioner

      The aim of this IG is to standardize sharing of minimal radiation information following a performed exam. This minimal radiation information is needed by multiple stakeholders like RIS, EHR, and national/regional stakeholders. Minimal radiation information reporting is asked by many regulations/recommendations, to be included for instance in the patient imaging report. Thus, this IG allows to standardize and enhance data sharing from dose management systems to third parties.
      The IG is more in relationship with the Imaging Integration than the pharmacy WG, as it expose radiation information related to (and coming from) imaging procedures, and not medications.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            jwhitby Jonathan Whitby
            Abderrazek Boufahja Abderrazek Boufahja
            Jonathan Whitby Jonathan Whitby
            7 Start watching this issue
