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  1. Project Scope Statements/Proposals
  2. PSS-1688

HL7 FHIR® Implementation Guide: Cancer Electronic Pathology Reporting (Project Insight ID: 1686)


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    • Resolution: Done
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      The College of American Pathologists (CAP) created electronic Cancer Checklist (eCC) Protocols (https://documents.cap.org/protocols/Cancer-Protocols-2020_10Word-and-PDF.zip) for pathologists to use in a laboratory information system (LIS) to capture elements for collecting and reporting cancer patient data. The CAP eCC protocols support improving information exchange between the pathologist and clinician and the pathologist and cancer registries. The electronic protocols are codified using a proprietary code system called cKeys, which is used by the cancer registries. However, this code system is not standard among electronic health record (EHR) systems.  

      The NAACCR Standards for Cancer Registries Volume V, Laboratory Electronic Reporting Pathology Version 5, May 2020 (Revised 2020) defines how pathology LIS can report information using HL7 V2 messaging to registries but there currently is no standard for reporting pathology LIS information to EHRs. Discrete data elements are captured in electronic format in most LISs. There is a need to create an electronic data exchange standard for pathologists to share cancer data with clinicians in hospital systems. Worldwide, there is a need for sharing data documented by pathologists in a discrete and standard electronic method with electronic health record systems for continuity of care, cancer reporting and research.

      The College of American Pathologists (CAP) created electronic Cancer Checklist (eCC) Protocols ( https://documents.cap.org/protocols/Cancer-Protocols-2020_10Word-and-PDF.zip ) for pathologists to use in a laboratory information system (LIS) to capture elements for collecting and reporting cancer patient data. The CAP eCC protocols support improving information exchange between the pathologist and clinician and the pathologist and cancer registries. The electronic protocols are codified using a proprietary code system called cKeys, which is used by the cancer registries. However, this code system is not standard among electronic health record (EHR) systems.   The NAACCR Standards for Cancer Registries Volume V, Laboratory Electronic Reporting Pathology Version 5, May 2020 (Revised 2020) defines how pathology LIS can report information using HL7 V2 messaging to registries but there currently is no standard for reporting pathology LIS information to EHRs. Discrete data elements are captured in electronic format in most LISs. There is a need to create an electronic data exchange standard for pathologists to share cancer data with clinicians in hospital systems. Worldwide, there is a need for sharing data documented by pathologists in a discrete and standard electronic method with electronic health record systems for continuity of care, cancer reporting and research.
    • Orders & Observations
    • Clinical Interoperability Council
      Public Health
      Structured Documents
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      Vocabulary Work Group
      Service Oriented Architecture
      Clinical Quality Information
      Vocabulary Work Group Service Oriented Architecture Clinical Quality Information
    • Cerner (sandbox), mTuitive
    • Filter by
      Product Family Product Project Intent Lineage Ballot Type Target Cycle Actions
      Implementation Guide
      Create New R1 Standard
      September 2021
    • Cancer pathology reports, ePathology Reporting, CA ePath Reporting, ePath on FHIR, Common Pathology Libraries
    • mCode STU2, balloting in May 2021
    • No
    • Yes
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      American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) (standard vocabulary)
      College of American Pathologists (CAP) (standard protocols)
      North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR)
      Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program (SEER)
      American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) (standard vocabulary) College of American Pathologists (CAP) (standard protocols) North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program (SEER)
    • Yes
    • College of American Pathologists (CAP) electronic Cancer Checklists (eCCs)
    • Cancer Registries, EHRs
    • US
    •  Universal
    • Administrative Steering Division

      This project will use FHIR to support electronic health data exchange of cancer pathology information between a hospital or facility-based laboratory information system (LIS) and hospital or facility-based electronic health record (EHR) system. The goal of this project is to create one FHIR implementation guide (US Realm) that will be based on NAACCR Standards for Cancer Registries Volume V, Laboratory Electronic Reporting Pathology Version 5, May 2020 (Revised 2020).   

      This IG will use the FHIR message bundle paradigm and profile data from NAACCR Volume 5, including MessageHeader, DiagnosticReports, and Specimen. It will be based on US Core profiles where possible, binding to terminologies such as SNOMED CT and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries Volume II, Data Standards & Data Dictionary. It will also include CAP eCC Protocol CKey Identifier to SNOMED translation.  

      This project acknowledges that there is an ongoing discussion about how LOINC vs. SNOMED terminologies serve Cancer pathology but does not propose to resolve any discussion between them. 

        There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.

            anne Anne Wizauer
            Gonzaga Zabrina Gonzaga
            David E. Jones David E. Jones (Inactive)
            David DeRoode David DeRoode
            Wendy Scharber Wendy Scharber (Inactive)
            32 Start watching this issue
