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  1. Other Specification Feedback
  2. OTHER-2366

Is the care plan included in the consult note?


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • Pharmacist Consultation Note (OTHER)
    • 1.0
    • Pharmacy
    • Informative
    • Use case 3
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      The Care Plan is not included in the Consultation Note, but can be referenced by Consultation Note.

      Add narrative to describe how the Care Plan can be referenced 

      The Care Plan is not included in the Consultation Note, but can be referenced by Consultation Note. Add narrative to describe how the Care Plan can be referenced 
    • Scott Robertson / Shelly Spiro : 11-0-0
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive
    • 1.0

      Use Case 3 states: "The pharmacists will use a Consultation Note to report whether the patient was successfully contacted, whether she enrolled in the program, and her progress in the program." Please provide additional information regarding whether the care plan is documented in the consultation note.

            smrobertson Scott M. Robertson
            tscheid86 Tyler Scheid
            Celine Lefebvre, Tyler Scheid
            1 Start watching this issue
