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  1. Other Specification Feedback
  2. OTHER-2348

Add specialty pharmacy use case


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • Pharmacist Consultation Note (OTHER)
    • 1.0
    • Pharmacy
    • Use cases
    • 4
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      added use case text and diagram

      added use case text and diagram
    • Scott Robertson / Shelly Spiro : 11-0-0
    • Enhancement
    • Compatible, substantive
    • 1.0

      Add the following to demonstrate Pharmacist Consultation Note use in a specialty pharmacy.  workflow diagram attached as visio


      4.4 Use Case 4


      The Specialty Pharmacy receives a Forteo prescription for a new patient.  The prescription has a year's worth of refills for the medication.  In review of the patient's EMR and in speaking with the patient, the Specialty pharmacist identifies, the patient has received 18 months of Forteo from another specialty pharmacy.  The patient has not experienced a fracture or is there documentation of fragility.  The typical patient should be on Forteo for 2 years (24 months). The pharmacists will use a Consultation Note to request the prescriber to reevaluate the duration of therapy based on the patient's response and the prescriber's clinical assessment of continued risk for fractures.  The prescriber is able to determine the patient is not at a continued risk of fracture.  The prescriber initiates a revision to the duration of the current prescription. As a result of the consultation note exchange, the information is available for outcomes reporting.

            smrobertson Scott M. Robertson
            smrobertson Scott M. Robertson
            1 Start watching this issue
