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  1. Other Specification Feedback
  2. OTHER-2211

a number of small clarifications requested


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Problem-Oriented Health Record (POHR) (OTHER)
    • 1.0
    • Electronic Health Record
    • Informative
    • CP.1.4: POHR Function List
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      102 (What does "selected billing diagnosis" refer to?) - Example added: During an encounter, if a provider specifies a billing diagnosis of Hypertension, then the system allows easy addition of Hypertension to the problem list.
      111 (How is "substantially similar determined?) - New wording: The system SHALL provide the ability to display a warning when a new problem list entry and an existing entry have similar wording, suggesting possible duplication. Example: If Diabetes Mellitus, Type II and Diabetes Mellitus, Adult Onset are both listed, this will be flagged by the system.
      114 (clarifying definition of "source") - The following language is added to #114: The source includes the name, role and practice setting of the person entering the problem. In the case of importing, the system records the original source information. If this is not available, then the system records the name, role and setting of the importer. Example: Person = Dr. WIlliam Osler; Role = Physician, internal medicine; Setting = Johns Hopkins Outpatient Clinic.
      115 (capture the source (author) automatically) - Authorship questions are addressed in CC# 104 & 105. Note that FHIR concepts of recorder and asserter are addressed at https://www.hl7.org/fhir/condition.html.
      118 (How is "relevant to current inpatient" determined?) - New wording: The system SHALL provide the ability to capture, maintain and render the problems that are being managed or monitored during the current hospitalization. These may specified by an inpatient provider or other clinician, or by the system through an automated process. Example: Full problem list includes: sepsis, hypotension, diabetes, h/o colon polyps, h/o basal cell carcinoma, cataracts; problem list relevant to current hospitalization includes: sepsis, hypotension, diabetes.
      120 - wording changed to "a" instead of "the".
      124 (how are "substantially similar" problems defined) - see above response on #111
      126/127 (Is "threshold" date-based? a duration?) - After discussion with VA re their submission on these CCs, changes will be considered for future use. Problems of long-term clinical significance, e.g. treated cancers, will be treated as active even if time threshold is exceeded. Note FHIR classification scheme for problem status, at https://www.hl7.org/fhir/valueset-condition-clinical.html.
      128/129 (is this similar to 126/127? Example needed) - See response re 126/127
      130/131 (Is root/manifestation the only link between problems or just an example?) - Root-manifestation is the primary example for linking problems, but other linkages might be considered.
      133/134 (Preferred sort order should be clarified) - Language to be added to 133: "The system shall allow the user to save the preferred sort order or auto-track user's preference."
      135 ("determine and capture" might be too specific re association between organ systems and specialties) - No change needed, per discussion with submitter.
      137 (second sentence re active problems as system default should be its own CC) - no change needed.
      138 (duplicative of #118 except for word "display") - Persuasive.

      CC# (PARAPHRASE OF SUBMISSION COMMENT) - RESPONSE BY POHR TEAM 102 (What does "selected billing diagnosis" refer to?) - Example added: During an encounter, if a provider specifies a billing diagnosis of Hypertension, then the system allows easy addition of Hypertension to the problem list. 111 (How is "substantially similar determined?) - New wording: The system SHALL provide the ability to display a warning when a new problem list entry and an existing entry have similar wording, suggesting possible duplication. Example: If Diabetes Mellitus, Type II and Diabetes Mellitus, Adult Onset are both listed, this will be flagged by the system. 114 (clarifying definition of "source") - The following language is added to #114: The source includes the name, role and practice setting of the person entering the problem. In the case of importing, the system records the original source information. If this is not available, then the system records the name, role and setting of the importer. Example: Person = Dr. WIlliam Osler; Role = Physician, internal medicine; Setting = Johns Hopkins Outpatient Clinic. 115 (capture the source (author) automatically) - Authorship questions are addressed in CC# 104 & 105. Note that FHIR concepts of recorder and asserter are addressed at https://www.hl7.org/fhir/condition.html . 118 (How is "relevant to current inpatient" determined?) - New wording: The system SHALL provide the ability to capture, maintain and render the problems that are being managed or monitored during the current hospitalization. These may specified by an inpatient provider or other clinician, or by the system through an automated process. Example: Full problem list includes: sepsis, hypotension, diabetes, h/o colon polyps, h/o basal cell carcinoma, cataracts; problem list relevant to current hospitalization includes: sepsis, hypotension, diabetes. 120 - wording changed to "a" instead of "the". 124 (how are "substantially similar" problems defined) - see above response on #111 126/127 (Is "threshold" date-based? a duration?) - After discussion with VA re their submission on these CCs, changes will be considered for future use. Problems of long-term clinical significance, e.g. treated cancers, will be treated as active even if time threshold is exceeded. Note FHIR classification scheme for problem status, at https://www.hl7.org/fhir/valueset-condition-clinical.html . 128/129 (is this similar to 126/127? Example needed) - See response re 126/127 130/131 (Is root/manifestation the only link between problems or just an example?) - Root-manifestation is the primary example for linking problems, but other linkages might be considered. 133/134 (Preferred sort order should be clarified) - Language to be added to 133: "The system shall allow the user to save the preferred sort order or auto-track user's preference." 135 ("determine and capture" might be too specific re association between organ systems and specialties) - No change needed, per discussion with submitter. 137 (second sentence re active problems as system default should be its own CC) - no change needed. 138 (duplicative of #118 except for word "display") - Persuasive.
    • John Ritter/Greg Zeller:4-0-0
    • Clarification
    • Compatible, substantive
    • Yes
    • 1.0

      102 - What does "selected billing diagnosis" refer to here, can this be clarified with an example? Is it a specific or generic?

      111 -  how is "substantially similar" determined? There should be an example or more information here

      114/115 - how is "source" defined? Should add an example to clarify

       118 - How is "relevant to current inpaitent  [sic]" determined? should add an example here or more specifics

      120 - "with a the problem" - remove the 'a' or the 'the' 

      124 - how is "substantially similar" determined? There should be an example or more information here

      126/127 - is "threshold" here date-based? or a duration? should be clarified/an example provided

      128/129 - similar to 126/127, is this a "you've had this as billing dx 5 visits in a row, this is now chronic/recurrent"? Sort of thing? an example could help clarify

      130/131 - is root>manifestation the only link that makes sense or is this a generalization such that root>manifestation should be an example and not part of the criteria itself

      134 - Preferred sort order should be clarified (133 does not request a preferred sort order only the ability to sort)

      135 - "determine and capture" might be too specific here. For example, in Epic this is done at the system level only. Build is done in the back end to determine what problems fall into which organ systems.

      137 - 2nd sentence "the system default is active problems only" should be its own criteria

      138 - seems duplicative of 118. 118 is "capture, maintain, and render" while 138 is "display"

            mvanderzel Michael van der Zel
            dwilliam Daniel Williams (Inactive)
            2 Start watching this issue
