
    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
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    • HL7 Logical Model: Standardized Terminology Knowledge Base (OTHER)
    • 1.0
    • Terminology Infrastructure
    • Informative
    • Chapter 1.6: Benefits of Self-Describing Architecture
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      Added definition in Chapter 1 "Tinkar Overview" section 1.6 "Benefits of Self-Describing Architecture".

      A self-describing architecture is defined in a report from Queensland University of Technology as follow: "[t]he idea is that self-descriptions of data and other techniques would allow context-understanding programs to selectively find what users want, or for programs to work on behalf of humans and organizations to make them more scalable, efficient and productive.”


      Added definition in Chapter 1 "Tinkar Overview" section 1.6 "Benefits of Self-Describing Architecture". A self-describing architecture is defined in a report from Queensland University of Technology as follow: " [t] he idea is that self-descriptions of data and other techniques would allow context-understanding programs to selectively find what users want, or for programs to work on behalf of humans and organizations to make them more scalable, efficient and productive.”  
    • Carol Macumber / Keith Campbell : 14 - 0 - 0
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive
    • 1.0

      Section 1.6 describes the advantages of a so-called "self-describing architecture," but does not define that term. The reference cited [9] does not mention that term. Metadata can indeed describe some aspects of data - but usually limited to the W's (what, where, who, when, ...) plus, in some cases, a data dictionary of some type. But even this is only partly self-describing, and prior knowledge is needed to interpret the metadata (in other words, the metadata doesn't describe itself). So self-description is never total, and metadata only captures some limited self-describing aspects. 

      The authors should define what they mean by self-describing, and perhaps, use more direct language, such as metadata.

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            Mark_Kramer Mark Kramer
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