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  1. Other Specification Feedback
  2. OTHER-2117

TINKAR is also subject to variation in editing practices


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • HL7 Logical Model: Standardized Terminology Knowledge Base (OTHER)
    • 1.0
    • Terminology Infrastructure
    • Informative
    • Chapter 1.5: Related Efforts
    • Hide

      Removed the following text from Chapter 1 "Tinkar Overview", Section 1.5 "Related Efforts": 

      “Third, though there are editing guidelines in place, there may be substantial variation in editing practices between the individual editors."

      Removed the following text from Chapter 1 "Tinkar Overview", Section 1.5 "Related Efforts":  “Third, though there are editing guidelines in place, there may be substantial variation in editing practices between the individual editors."
    • Carol Macumber / Keith Campbell : 14 - 0 - 0
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive
    • 1.0

      By mentioning that UMLS is at a disadvantage because "there may be substantial variation in editing practices between the individual editors," there is an implication that Tinkar is not subject to similar variation. If that is the intent, it is a very strong claim that would require very strong backing. If not, then the comment about UMLS editorial modification should be modified or eliminated.

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            Mark_Kramer Mark Kramer
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