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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-45330

Add medical gases order examples to MedicationRequest resource



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    • Resolution: Unresolved
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      There is a Zulip discussion thread on how to order medical gases in FHIR (https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/179166-implementers/topic/Example.20of.20oxygen.20prescription).

      In response to this thread some examples have been posted on using MedicationRequest to order medical gases.
      The examples (HeliOx therapy) are given below:

      HeliOx (helium/Oxygen therapy) order
      Gas = HeliOx 70/30%
      Flow rate = 6 L/min (can be 6-8 L/min)
      Device = non-rebreather mask | CPAP mask | biPAP mask | endotracheal IPPV
      Clinical indication examples: SCTID:71186008 Croup (disorder) | SCTID:13645005 Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease (disorder) | SCTID:195951007 Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive airway disease (disorder) | SCTID:708090002 Acute exacerbation of asthma (disorder)
      This is how I consider the order data can be represented in FHIR

      MedicationRequest.medicine.code = SCTID: 89569400 - helium 0.79 milliliter/1 milliliter and oxygen 0.21 milliliter/1 millilite (apology - can't find the HeliOx 70/30% SCTID)
      MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.dosage.doseRate[x].rateQuantity = 6 L/min (or .rateRange = 6-8L/min)
      MedicationRequest.device.DeviceDefinition.deviceName.name = non-rebreather mask | CPAP mask | biPAP mask
      MedicationRequest.device.DeviceDefinition.deviceName..type = user-friendly-name
      MedicationRequest.reason (codeableReference - Condition) Condition.code = SCTID:71186008 Croup (disorder) | SCTID:13645005 Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease (disorder) | SCTID:195951007 Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive airway disease (disorder) | SCTID:708090002 Acute exacerbation of asthma (disorder)

      HeliOx administration can be supplemented by O2 if patient's SpO2 <88%
      Titrate supplementary O2 order example:
      Gas = O2
      Flow rate = 2 L/min (can be 1-3 L/min)
      Precondition = if SpO2 < 88%
      Device = nasal canula

      The HeliOx and supplementary O2 order can be linked using:

      There is a suggestion on this Zulip discussion thread to add the examples to the MedicationRequest resource
      This JIRA request is to add the examples as suggested




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            chuscmi Stephen Chu
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