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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-45319

Clarify Observation Screening Assessment category must support



    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Core (FHIR)
    • 6.1.0
    • Cross-Group Projects
    • US Core Observation Screening Assessment Profile
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      For US Core 6.1.0/USCDI 3

      Based on US Core 6.1.0: Clarification required to assure understanding that all elements in ValueSet US Core Screening Assessment Observation Category SHALL be supported. This ValueSet has four codes:

      • sdoh
      • functional-status
      • disability-status
      • cognitive-status

      These can be supported as Conditions Problems Health Concerns for SDOH "conditions," but that does not indicate that an assessment exists. Therefore, the Condition resource containing the SDOH condition and the Observation Screening Assessment is also present. 


      Observations SHALL support 

      • "sdoh"
      • "functional-status"
      • "cognitive-status"
      • "disability-status"

      Condition SHALL support "sdoh" 

      MAY support 

      • "functional-status"
      • "cognitive-status"
      • "disability-status"

      The editor has discretion to refine the text on the Screening and Assessments page and the Profiles



      Background For US Core 6.1.0/USCDI 3 Based on US Core 6.1.0: Clarification required to assure understanding that all elements in ValueSet  US Core Screening Assessment Observation Category  SHALL be supported. This ValueSet has four codes: sdoh functional-status disability-status cognitive-status These can be supported as Conditions Problems Health Concerns for SDOH "conditions," but that does not indicate that an assessment exists. Therefore, the Condition resource containing the SDOH condition and the Observation Screening Assessment is also present.  Decision Observations SHALL support  "sdoh" "functional-status" "cognitive-status" "disability-status" Condition SHALL support "sdoh"  MAY support  "functional-status" "cognitive-status" "disability-status" The editor has discretion to refine the text on the Screening and Assessments page and the Profiles    
    • Brett Marquard/Hans Buitendijk: 14-0-0
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive


      Observation Screening Assessment profile in US Core v6.1.0 has a must support slicing on Observation.category which has an required binding on ValueSet US Core Screening Assessment Observation Category . This ValueSet has four codes:

      • sdoh
      • functional-status
      • disability-status
      • cognitive-status

      which map to four data elements in USCDI v3 :

      • SDOH Assessment
      • Functional Status
      • Disability Status
      • Mental/Cognitive Status

      Chapter 2.2 Must Support Conformance does not provides a speicifc rules for Must Support on value set binding. Our understanding is that server implmenetation must support populating the element using at least one code from the binding value set conforming to FHIR binidng rules. For example, Condition.clinicalStatus has required binding of 6 status code. Server need to demonstrate it support at least of these 6 status code but don't have to support all of them.

      This binding on Screening Assessment is a little different since all four codes have corresponding USCDI data element requirements. We think it is reasonable to say that Server shall demonstrate supporting of all four codes, instead of just one. (Note: This value set has six codes in US Core v7)

      This is similar to the Clinical Notes Guidenace where server shall support all eight Clinical Note Type codes in DocumentReference and all three Report Category codes in DiagnosticReport.


      Note: This question is not tied to granular scopes introduced in US Core v7 though one of the category codes, sdoh, is required by the grandular scopes guidance.




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            yunwwang Yunwei Wang
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