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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-44936

Clarify valueFilter extension usage


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Canonical Resource Management Infrastructure (FHIR)
    • 1.0.0-ballot2
    • Clinical Decision Support
    • CRMI Module Definition Library
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      When an extension is referenced as part of a data requirement, it is included in the mustSupport list (Library.dataRequirement.mustSupport) using a FHIRPath extension reference. In addition, the mustSupport list will include a rendered-value extension with the slice name of the extension.

      When it renders in the human readable it will read 'ethnicity' (this is the actual slice name from the US Core Patient profile) but in the mustSupport value it will read extension(" http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/StructureDefinition/us-core-ethnicity ")

      In addition, update the example to reference the QICore profile, rather than base patient, so that the path is resolvable on the profile

      In addition, include another example (such as a reference to a Lab with a quantity comparison) that provides a simpler illustration of the valueFilter extension on a data requirement.

      Note that the cqfm-valueFilter extension has been moved to the base Extension Pac. So needs to use the one from the base Extension Pac instead of cqfm-valueFilter.

      Add guidance describing this in the dataRequirement.comment field of the CRMIModuleDefinition

      When an extension is referenced as part of a data requirement, it is included in the mustSupport list (Library.dataRequirement.mustSupport) using a FHIRPath extension reference. In addition, the mustSupport list will include a rendered-value extension with the slice name of the extension. When it renders in the human readable it will read 'ethnicity' (this is the actual slice name from the US Core Patient profile) but in the mustSupport value it will read extension(" http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/StructureDefinition/us-core-ethnicity ") In addition, update the example to reference the QICore profile, rather than base patient, so that the path is resolvable on the profile In addition, include another example (such as a reference to a Lab with a quantity comparison) that provides a simpler illustration of the valueFilter extension on a data requirement. Note that the cqfm-valueFilter extension has been moved to the base Extension Pac. So needs to use the one from the base Extension Pac instead of cqfm-valueFilter. Add guidance describing this in the dataRequirement.comment field of the CRMIModuleDefinition
    • Howard Strasberg / Greg White: 21-0-0
    • Correction
    • Compatible, substantive

      Update CRMI to align with approach described in the resolution of QM IG tracker FHIR-43790

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            jen_seeman Jennifer Seeman
            2 Start watching this issue
