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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-44734

Explain isSelective extension in terms of partial execution


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Canonical Resource Management Infrastructure (FHIR)
    • 1.0.0-ballot2
    • Clinical Decision Support
    • Extensions
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      Agreed, add to the comment for the isSelective extension:

      This extension is useful for helping implementing systems determine which data requirements are expected to be most selective of the target population. A common use case is to identify a subset of the data requirements for an artifact as "selective", meaning that they can be used as an initial filter to establish the overall set of data. For example, the selective requirements can be used to construct an initial query or queries for data, with the non-selective requirements used for subsequent filtering on the resulting data.

      Agreed, add to the comment for the isSelective extension: This extension is useful for helping implementing systems determine which data requirements are expected to be most selective of the target population. A common use case is to identify a subset of the data requirements for an artifact as "selective", meaning that they can be used as an initial filter to establish the overall set of data. For example, the selective requirements can be used to construct an initial query or queries for data, with the non-selective requirements used for subsequent filtering on the resulting data.
    • Jen Seeman/Greg White: 14-0-1
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive

      Quality Measure IG change request https://jira.hl7.org/browse/FHIR-43792, applies more broadly than quality measures and should be considered for CRMI.

      It seems that one possible interpretation of this flag is to provide data gathering systems with a way to perform partial execution of the measure on the server side using a FHIR query rather than CQL execution. Specifically, the data gathering system can use the flagged query (or queries) to reduce the set of subjects under consideration. If this accurately describes the intention, update the description to include this context, including fundamentally clarifying why the “subset” is of interest.

            jen_seeman Jennifer Seeman
            jen_seeman Jennifer Seeman
            2 Start watching this issue
