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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-44715

It doesn't make sense for Condition.code to be extensible


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Core (FHIR)
    • 6.1.0
    • Cross-Group Projects
    • US Core Condition Encounter Diagnosis Profile
      US Core Problem or Health Concern
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      There are many instances in FHIR where a less-pure-and-more-pragmatic exegesis of the FHIR Standard is needed.  This approach was adopted in US Core 4.0.0 because no binding in FHIR meets all of the US Core requirements. The current guidance reflects a real-world compromise between the standard and what servers are capable of today. It also best represents the ONC's USCDI terminology requirements.


      After an extensive offline conversation with the Commenter and the Community we will make the following changes: ( mock up attached)

      1. Update the conformance section on extensible
      2. Add a conformance section to document the usage of R5 additional binding "current" binding in US Core.
      3. update the Condition and Procedure  profiles to use a "current" binding for code
      4. Add  bullet to the Condition  and Procedure profiles to call out the binding and link to 2.



      Background There are many instances in FHIR where a less-pure-and-more-pragmatic exegesis of the FHIR Standard is needed.  This approach was adopted in US Core 4.0.0 because no binding in FHIR meets all of the US Core requirements. The current guidance reflects a real-world compromise between the standard and what servers are capable of today. It also best represents the ONC's USCDI terminology requirements. Decision After an extensive offline conversation with the Commenter and the Community we will make the following changes: ( mock up attached ) Update the conformance section on extensible Add a conformance section to document the usage of R5 additional binding "current" binding in US Core. update the Condition and Procedure  profiles to use a "current" binding for code Add  bullet to the Condition  and Procedure profiles to call out the binding and link to 2.    
    • Eric Haas/Floyd Eisenberg: 17-1-0
    • Enhancement
    • Compatible, substantive

      There are no diagnosis codes that would not fall under the broad banner of "clinical finding" or "event", which means that there is no circumstance where the defined value set would not contain a code that covers the concept.  I.e. No 'extension' code will ever be legal.  As such, labeling this as extensible is misleading to implementers.  To be compliant, implementers will always have to send one of the codes from this list (though they're free to send other codes too).

            Unassigned Unassigned
            lloyd Lloyd McKenzie
            Lloyd McKenzie
            5 Start watching this issue
