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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-44513

Revise workflow to incorporate De-Identification and use UDS+ approach


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • US Respiratory Virus Hospitalization Surveillance Network (RESP-NET) FHIR IG (FHIR)
    • 1.0.0-ballot
    • Public Health
    • STU
    • Use Cases
    • 2.6.2
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      The wording will be updated to reflect that the de-identification process falls outside the scope of this IG. This IG only applies to data being submitted to the RESP-NET site. The data is de-identified when it is submitted to CDC which is not part of this IG.

      The workflow diagrams will be updated to include decision points on catchment areas and other decision logic.

      The wording will be updated to reflect that the de-identification process falls outside the scope of this IG. This IG only applies to data being submitted to the RESP-NET site. The data is de-identified when it is submitted to CDC which is not part of this IG. The workflow diagrams will be updated to include decision points on catchment areas and other decision logic.
    • Becky Angeles / Craig Newman : 31-0-0
    • Clarification
    • Compatible, substantive

      Revise workflow to incorporate a step for De-Identification, given that this workflow currently involves transmission of de-id'd/anonymized data (as stated in use case description). Suggest replicate approach being leveraged in UDS+, which is based on real world implementation of de identification.  https://fhir.org/guides/hrsa/uds-plus/

      Workflow diagram also contains a step for "Evaluate Decision Logic (catchment area)" but does not have any language indicating that the use case requires evaluation on whether a hospital sits in a catchment area. Suggest clarifying and/or revising diagram to remove step

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            mrahn Matthew Rahn
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