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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-43944

Additional TCs for Artifact Repository


    • Icon: Technical Correction Technical Correction
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Canonical Resource Management Infrastructure (FHIR)
    • 1.0.0-ballot2
    • Clinical Decision Support
    • Artifact Repository Service
    • Hide

      Agreed, correct as suggested

      Agreed, correct as suggested
    • Correction
    • Non-substantive

      • 7.1 Overview
        • The bullet-list with repository types has different formatting than typical in the document - please add colon characters after each "Repository".
        • In "...use of status, as described..." the word 'status' is italicized instead of code formatted, as element names are in the rest of the document.
      • Artifact Lifecycle
        • In "...values of the status element..." the word 'status' is italicized instead of code formatted.
        • In "...the experimental element...", the word 'experimental' is italicized instead of code formatted.
        • In "..._experimental_element may be used...", is that intended to be conformance language? If so, please format as such.
      • Artifact Identity
        • The definition terms are italicized instead of bolded. Please make consistent.
      • Search:
        • Most "definition" sections bold the initial term or code values. Please fix in "Core Searches", "Metadata Searches", and "Related Artifact Searches".
      • Package
        • There is a set of formatting errors for checkArtifactVersion and forceArtifactVersion please review.
        • Several terms could use code formatting (e.g., "[version]", "[system]", etc.).
        • Some values are missing code formatting (e.g., "default is false" should be "default is false").
      • Requirements
        • There is a set of formatting errors for checkArtifactVersion and forceArtifactVersion please review.
        • Several terms could use code formatting (e.g., "[version]", "[system]", etc.).
      • Publish
        • Heading is incorrectly placed - is indented according to the previous content in "Approve".
      • Artifacts
        • Sub-items of item 6. do not need to prefix with SHALL individually, since they are part of the SHALL in item 6.
      • Artifacts
        • The operation items are missing some wording. I assume the intention is something like "SHALL support [thing]: $[operation] operation with the following parameter requirements"

            jen_seeman Jennifer Seeman
            ginocanessa Gino Canessa
            2 Start watching this issue
