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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-43707

Clarify the Notified Pulls narrative



    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • FHIR R5 Subscriptions Backport (FHIR)
    • 1.2.0-ballot
    • FHIR Infrastructure
    • Notifications


      A few changes to the Notified Pull section may make it easier to understand.

      (1) A definition for "Notified Pull" would be helpful, the two use cases given don't seem to have much in common, so it's not clear to me what a Notified Pull actually is

      (2) Is the Time Shifted Services really a distinct use case? Does the standard notification workflow put time limits on when a notification goes stale and can't be used by notification recipient as a trigger for accessing data? I like the idea of clarifying that the follow up queries might be delayed but is it really a distinct use case?

      (3) The Unstandardized Queries references the id-only approach, but if the reader is going through the IG in the order of the table of contents (I know, who does that in the on-line world right?), then they haven't been introduced to that concept yet because it's covered in the Payloads page which comes after the notification page. A link to that documentation from the Unstandardized Queries section would be helpful.

      (4) For Unstandardized Queries, I initially had trouble understanding the description because  it referred to the "referring facility" not being able to predict the necessary queries. This was confusing because it seemed like it would be the Servicing Facility which would have to formulate the unstandardized queries. But as I reread the id-only approach, it seems like the referring facility is trying to predict what information the servicing facility will need and including the links in the notification to avoid the servicing facility having to do queries (just following the links instead). The use of the word "queries" for an id-only approach threw me. Some clarification or expanded description might be helpful for (especially new) readers.




            Unassigned Unassigned
            craig.newman Craig Newman
            1 Start watching this issue

