

    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Quality Measures (FHIR)
    • 5.0.0-ballot [deprecated]
    • Clinical Quality Information
    • (NA)
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      Agree with recommendation to ensure that section 1.2 and menu bar are in alignment (see pictured attached to tracker).

      With regard to JSON related comments, those are out of scope for this IG and would need to be handled at the publisher level (a change would need to be made at the publisher level to allow for 'collapsing' of the narrative statements in the JSON that are looking unformatted)

      Agree with recommendation to ensure that section 1.2 and menu bar are in alignment (see pictured attached to tracker). With regard to JSON related comments, those are out of scope for this IG and would need to be handled at the publisher level (a change would need to be made at the publisher level to allow for 'collapsing' of the narrative statements in the JSON that are looking unformatted)
    • Abdullah Rafiqi/ Jen Seeman: 25-0-0
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive


      Please see the attachment for explanation of questions about possible changes that include images.  The questions without images follow:

      Menu Bar on Home page mismatch with list in section 1.2  Change Request
      -Page: Home, Menu bar on top does not match the list in section 1.2 How to read this Guide, some are found only in one and not the other, sume are sub headings under ‘FHIR Artifacts’ and wonder if that can be indicated in section 1.2.
      Should these json code snippets be reformatted with pretty print?  Change Request
      Some JSON code snippets are wrapped around and should they be reformatted to ‘pretty print’?
      Json example should use pretty print like the other examples. This example is referred to in
      Section 3.3.1 Use of ELM, JSON subheading,
      Snippet 3-11: ELM data reference for Condition: Acute Pharyngitis (from EXM146_FHIR-4.0.0.xml and EXM146_FHIR-4.0.0.json)
      https://hl7.org/fhir/us/cqfmeasures/2024Jan/Measure-EXM146-FHIR.json.html **
      be in pretty json?
      3.4.5 Continous Variable Measure
      Snippet 3-18: Sample CQL (from EXM55.cql) for a continuous-variable measure





            jen_seeman Jennifer Seeman
            julia_dawson Julia Dawson
            5 Start watching this issue

