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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-43171

Could not find Observation.specimen error but specs say otherwise


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Not Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Core (FHIR)
    • 6.1.0
    • Cross-Group Projects
    • US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile
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      The US Core Specimen Resource and US Core Observation.specimen element represents several USCDI Laboratory Data Elements. Therefore they are marked as must support.   

      The guidance cited by the commenter is informative and is similar to guidance in the base specification.  It does not change the must support conformance status of the Observation.specimen element. 

      The specimen type can be communicated in the mandatory Observation.code (e.g., Blood Glucose), or the Must Support Observation.specimen element, or through both elements.


      The US Core Specimen Resource and US Core Observation.specimen element represents several USCDI Laboratory Data Elements. Therefore they are marked as must support.    The guidance cited by the commenter is informative and is similar to guidance in the base specification.  It does not change the must support conformance status of the Observation.specimen element.   The specimen type can be communicated in the mandatory Observation.code (e.g., Blood Glucose), or the Must Support Observation.specimen element, or through both elements.  
    • Eric Haas/Isaac Vetter: 18-0-0


      We're testing our FHIR server against the newly released inferno US Core v6.1 and getting an error for observation lab result profile specifically for element Observation.specimen.


      The FHIR USCv6.1 spec states, "The specimen type can be communicated in the mandatory Observation.code (e.g., Blood Glucose), or the Must Support Observation.specimen element, or through both elements."

      The US CORE lab result observation specifications doesn't align with what inferno is testing for.

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            ivan.quan@flatiron.com IvanQuan
            3 Start watching this issue
