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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-43082

Add operation to resend events


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • FHIR R5 Subscriptions Backport (FHIR)
    • current
    • FHIR Infrastructure
    • Subscription Events Operation
    • Hide

      Will do this, but will also add an open issue asking whether this should be generified to be a core operation also available for use with messages.

      Will do this, but will also add an open issue asking whether this should be generified to be a core operation also available for use with messages.
    • Gino Canessa/Rick Geimer: 13-0-0
    • Enhancement
    • Compatible, substantive

      In addition to a client being able to manually see prior events, it is commonly necessary in production to 'resend' events to a client.

      For example, in the case that a client has been reset to a known good state (e.g., via backup/restore) and the subscriber requests that all events from the past 24 hours are resent.

      Providing a common definition, similar to the $events operation is desirable.

      Propose adding [base]/Subscription/[id]/$resend:

      Parameter Name Cardinality Type Documentation
      IN eventsSinceNumber 0..1 string The starting event number, inclusive of this event (lower bound).
      IN eventsUntilNumber 0..1 string The ending event number, inclusive of this event (upper bound).
      IN eventsSinceInstant 0..1 instant The starting event date/time, inclusive of this instant (lower bound).
      IN eventsUntilInstant 0..1 instant The ending event date/time, inclusive of this instant (upper bound).
      OUT return 1..1 OperationOutcome Outcome of this request.

            ginocanessa Gino Canessa
            ginocanessa Gino Canessa
            1 Start watching this issue
