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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-42966

Remove qualification extension from OrganizationAffiliation, Organization.


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Not Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • National Directory of Healthcare Providers and Services (NDH) (FHIR)
    • 1.0.0-ballot
    • Patient Administration
    • NDH Base Organization Profile
      NDH Base OrganizationAffiliation Profile
      NDH Qualification
      Specialties, Degrees, Licenses, and Certificates Value Set
    • Hide

      Organizations and OrganizationAffiliation can both have qualifications that are relevant in the context of the Organization only or OrganizationAffiliation only or both if relevant 

      Expand relevant valuesets to include organization relevant qualifications (e.g. Joint Commission)

      Add guidance on which qualifications should occur at the organization or organizationaffiliation level or possibly both

      Organizations and OrganizationAffiliation can both have qualifications that are relevant in the context of the Organization only or OrganizationAffiliation only or both if relevant  Expand relevant valuesets to include organization relevant qualifications (e.g. Joint Commission) Add guidance on which qualifications should occur at the organization or organizationaffiliation level or possibly both
    • Bob Dieterle / David Pike : 6-0-0
    • Enhancement
    • Compatible, substantive

      The extension for qualification should not exist on OrganizationAffiliation as the resource is used to "model a relationship between 2 organizations over a period of time, where the entities are separate business entities. "

      The extension for qualification should not exist on Organization.
      1. The list of values for qualification are not relevant to an entity.
      2. The description of the qualification extension for an organization is to add accreditations, but the valueset doesn't contain any accreditations.
      3. There is no search parameter to filter for an organization's qualifications.

      NDH Qualification Extension Definition "An extension to add qualifications for an organization (e.g. accreditation) or practitionerRole (e.g. registered to prescribe controlled substances)."

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ricklisseveld Rick Lisseveld
            Derrin Ritchie (Inactive)
            2 Start watching this issue
