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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-42906

Update the statement in CapabilityStatement - PractitionerRole section


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Core (FHIR)
    • 6.1.0
    • Cross-Group Projects
    • US Core Server CapabilityStatement
    • Hide

      1. Update the text to clarify:

      Due to implementer feedback, some US Core Profiles reference PractitionerRole instead of the US Core PractitionerRole Profile.  However, systems SHOULD reference a valid US Core PractitionerRole.

      2. Will remove any guidance regarding using Location instead of US Core Location because of the new USCDI Facility Information Data Class.


      3. RE:

      Also, the SHOULD recommendation is redundant as the similar recommendation is mentioned in the General Guideline.


      Keep the duplicate guidance.  Many narrative sections of guidance are duplicated in the capabilitystatement for reader and implementer convenience.

      1. Update the text to clarify: Due to implementer feedback, some US Core Profiles reference PractitionerRole instead of the US Core PractitionerRole Profile.  However, systems SHOULD reference a valid US Core PractitionerRole.   2. Will remove any guidance regarding using Location instead of US Core Location because of the new USCDI Facility Information Data Class.   3. RE: Also, the SHOULD recommendation is redundant as the similar recommendation is mentioned in the General Guideline . Decision:  Keep the duplicate guidance.  Many narrative sections of guidance are duplicated in the capabilitystatement for reader and implementer convenience.
    • Eric Haas/Gay Dolin: 13-0-1
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive


      US Core CapabilityStatement PractitionerRole section has a statement:

      The US Core Location and PractitionerRole Profiles are not explicitly referenced in any US Core Profile. However they SHOULD be used as the default profile if referenced by another US Core profile.

      My understanding is that this statement was added to US Core v3.1.1 to clarify the use of US Core profile while the reference is actually a FHIR profile. See FHIR-26840.

       Since US Core v4.0.0, at least CareTeam has a explicit reference to US Core PractitionerRole profile (see CareTeam.participant.member), so the statement  that "The US Core PractitionerRole Profiles are not explicitly referenced in any US Core Profile" is not true any more. I am not sure about Location.
      Also, the SHOULD recommendation is redundant as the similar recommendation is mentioned in the General Guideline.


      Remove this documentation statement from CapabilityStatement - PractitionerRole section.

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            yunwwang Yunwei Wang
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