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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-42894

Clarify or Correct Conformance Requirement 3.4


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Quality Measures (FHIR)
    • 4.0.0
    • Clinical Quality Information
    • CQFM Direct Reference Code [deprecated]
    • QMs
    • 3.2
    • Hide

      Update the conformance requirement to:

      1. All valuesets referenced in the CQL SHALL be included in the Library using relatedArtifact elements:
      a. The code element of the relatedArtifact SHALL be depends-on
      b. The resource element of the relatedArtifact SHALL be the canonical URL of the referenced value set.
      c. If the library valueset declaration includes a version, the canonical URL SHALL include the version specified in the declaration using canonical URL version syntax (i.e. `|version`)
      d. The display element of the relatedArtifact SHALL be the identifier of the valueset declaration
      2. All direct-reference codes referenced in the CQL SHALL be included using the cqfm-directReferenceCode extension:
      a. The code and system elements of the Coding SHALL be set to the code and system of the declaration
      b. If the code declaration includes a display, it SHALL be used as the display of the Coding, otherwise, the identifier of the code declaration SHALL be used as the display

      Update the conformance requirement to: 1. All valuesets referenced in the CQL SHALL be included in the Library using relatedArtifact elements: a. The code element of the relatedArtifact SHALL be depends-on b. The resource element of the relatedArtifact SHALL be the canonical URL of the referenced value set. c. If the library valueset declaration includes a version, the canonical URL SHALL include the version specified in the declaration using canonical URL version syntax (i.e. `|version`) d. The display element of the relatedArtifact SHALL be the identifier of the valueset declaration 2. All direct-reference codes referenced in the CQL SHALL be included using the cqfm-directReferenceCode extension: a. The code and system elements of the Coding SHALL be set to the code and system of the declaration b. If the code declaration includes a display, it SHALL be used as the display of the Coding, otherwise, the identifier of the code declaration SHALL be used as the display
    • Juliet Rubini/Ben Hamlin: 21-0-0
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive

      Clarify or correct conformance requirement 3.4:

      1. All valuesets and codes referenced in the CQL SHALL be included in the Library using dataRequirement elements.
      2. If a valueset or code is referenced outside the context of a retrieve, the dataRequirement SHALL have the type ‘CodeableConcept’

      Clarify how to handle direct reference codes (from CQL) using http://hl7.org/fhir/us/cqfmeasures/STU4/StructureDefinition-cqfm-directReferenceCode.html and/or in Library.dataRequirement using type =  "CodeableConcept" as shown in Snippet 3-9.

            abdullah.rafiqi Abdullah Rafiqi
            mitrep9g Paul Denning
            6 Start watching this issue
