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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-42698

The $package operation's 'include' and 'capability' parameters' types should be code, bound to the appropriate value set, rather than string


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Canonical Resource Management Infrastructure (FHIR)
    • 1.0.0-ballot [deprecated]
    • Clinical Decision Support
    • CRMI Package Operation
    • Hide

      Agreed, change type and binding as suggested

      Agreed, change type and binding as suggested
    • Floyd Eisenberg/Greg White: 13-0-0
    • Enhancement
    • Compatible, substantive

      The 'capability' and 'include' parameters of the $package operation are currently defined as strings. The documentation for each makes it clear that the parameter supports a well-defined set of values and so the type for each should be changed to code and the parameter bound to a value set that includes the set of values described in the parameter documentation.

      Possible values for each parameter (per the documentation):


      • computable - to include computable elements in packaged content;
      • executable to include executable elements in packaged content;
      • publishable to include publishable elements in packaged content. }


      • all (default) - all resource types
      • artifact - the specified artifact
      • canonical - canonical resources (i.e. resources with a defined url element or that can be canonical resources using the artifact-url extension)
      • terminology - terminology resources (i.e. CodeSystem, ValueSet, NamingSystem, ConceptMap)
      • conformance - conformance resources (i.e. StructureDefinition, StructureMap, SearchParameter, CompartmentDefinition)
      • profiles - profile definitions (i.e. StructureDefinition resources that define profiles)
      • extensions - extension definitions (i.e. StructureDefinition resources that define extensions)
      • knowledge - knowledge artifacts (i.e. ActivityDefinition, Library, PlanDefinition, Measure, Questionnaire)
      • tests - test cases and data (i.e. test cases as defined by the testing specification in this implementation guide)
      • examples - example resources (i.e. resources identified as examples in the implementation guide)

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            sliver007 Adam Stevenson
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