Change Request
Resolution: Persuasive
Shorthand (FHIR)
FHIR Infrastructure
Language Reference
Chris Moesel/Mark Kramer: 12-0-0
Clarify that FSH is Unicode (UTF-8?) and whether non-ASCII characters can be used (particularly outside of strings, such as in item names) and how they are encoded (direct use of UTF-8, \U+9999, ©, etc.). Clarify use of right-to-left text and use of directional markers.
(Comment 32 - imported by: Ron G. Parker)
- is voted on by
BALLOT-51964 Affirmative - Ron G. Parker : 2023-Sep-FHIR IG SHORTHAND R3 Norm
- Balloted
BALLOT-53846 Affirmative - Joan Harper : 2023-Sep-FHIR IG SHORTHAND R3 Norm
- Balloted
BALLOT-53913 Affirmative - Elliot Silver : 2023-Sep-FHIR IG SHORTHAND R3 Norm
- Balloted
BALLOT-53980 Affirmative - Shannon O'Connor : 2023-Sep-FHIR IG SHORTHAND R3 Norm
- Balloted
BALLOT-54047 Affirmative - Sheridan Cook : 2023-Sep-FHIR IG SHORTHAND R3 Norm
- Balloted