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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-42309

Clarify whitespace trimming.


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • Shorthand (FHIR)
    • 2.0.0
    • FHIR Infrastructure
    • Language Reference
    • 3.3.10
    • Hide

      We will updated the existing wording to state:

      For all other non-whitespace lines, detect the line with the least number of leading spaces, and trim that number of spaces from the beginning of every line.

      We will also add a note similar to the following:

      Note: To ensure consistent implementation, authors SHOULD use standard spaces or tabs as leading spaces in triple-quoted strings.

      We will updated the existing wording to state: For all other non-whitespace lines, detect the line with the least number of leading spaces, and trim that number of spaces from the beginning of every line. We will also add a note similar to the following: Note: To ensure consistent implementation, authors SHOULD use standard spaces or tabs as leading spaces in triple-quoted strings.
    • Chris Moesel / Gino Canessa: 10-0-0
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive

      Clarify (or correct) "the smallest number of leading spaces". I think it should be the "maximum number of leading spaces common to all lines in the string" or "the number of leading spaces in the line with the fewest number of leading spaces".

      Do non-space whitespace count?

      Existing Wording:

      For all other non-whitespace lines, detect the smallest number of leading spaces and trim that from the beginning of every line

      (Comment 30 - imported by: Ron G. Parker)

            mathompson@mitre.org MintThompson
            Rongparker Ron G. Parker
            3 Start watching this issue
