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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-42020

Resource Ownership Clarification



    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Not Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • National Directory of Healthcare Providers and Services (NDH) (FHIR)
    • 1.0.0-ballot
    • Patient Administration
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      Assuming the Practitioner "owns" the practitionerRole.  The practitioner will need to "attest to the information" related to the network participation in a specific network.  If there is no network declaration for that practitionerRole, then the practitioner updates that practitionerRole.  If there is a network declaration for that role, then the practitioner creates a new practitionerRole and adds the network to the practitionerRole.  The same process would be true for other "owners" of the practitionerRole.


      Add examples to illustrate the answer above

      Assuming the Practitioner "owns" the practitionerRole.  The practitioner will need to "attest to the information" related to the network participation in a specific network.  If there is no network declaration for that practitionerRole, then the practitioner updates that practitionerRole.  If there is a network declaration for that role, then the practitioner creates a new practitionerRole and adds the network to the practitionerRole.  The same process would be true for other "owners" of the practitionerRole.   Add examples to illustrate the answer above
    • Bob Dieterle / David Pike : 6-0-0
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive


      How does resource ownership work when multiple entities can provide information that can go on the same resource?

      For example: 

      • Suppose Dr. Jones works at West Clinic. Then there should be a Practitioner resource for Dr. Jones, a Location resource for West Clinic, and a PractitionerRole linking the two.
      • A payer wants to add Dr. Jones working at West Clinic to their Medicare network. Do they:
        • Create a new PractitionerRole resource linking Dr. Jones, West Clinic, and their Medicare Network? OR
        • Add a pointer to their Medicare network on the existing PractitionerRole?

      Apologies if this is already answered in the spec - please let me know where if so.




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            alanhu Alan Hu
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