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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-41889

Incomplete/unclear sentence Guidance section 2.5.1 The Value-Based Performance MeasureReport 



    • Icon: Technical Correction Technical Correction
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Da Vinci Value-Based Performance Reporting (FHIR)
    • 1.0.0-ballot
    • Clinical Quality Information
    • Guidance
    • Guidance Section 2.5.1 The Value-Based Performance MeasureReport
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      Will update the paragraph with the following changes. 

      "... The incentive is an optional field and is intended to provide more granular incentive program information for the Quality Incentive Payment payment stream. Examples of the incentive could be chronic care management or annual office visit."


      Will update the paragraph with the following changes.  "... The incentive is an optional field and is intended to provide more granular incentive program information for the Quality Incentive Payment payment stream. Examples of the incentive could be chronic care management or annual office visit."  
    • Correction


      Incomplete/unclear sentence Guidance section 2.5.1 The Value-Based Performance MeasureReport 

      Incomplete/unclear sentence is bolded:

      paymentStream is a complex extension. The type is required, which has an extensible binding to the Payment Stream value set. The Payment Stream defines commonly used value-based payment models such as care coordination fee, shared savings percent, shared savings gated on quality, and etcetera. The incentive is an optional field. The intent use of this is to provide more granular incentive program information to a selected payment stream. The paymentStream has cardinality of 0..*. It is possible for a performance metric to be associated with different payment streams.




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            robin_williams Robin Williams
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