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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-41676

Clarify laboratory test performer


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • SMART Health Cards: Vaccination and Testing (FHIR)
    • current
    • Public Health
    • COVID-19 Laboratory Result Observation Profile - Allowable Data
      COVID-19 Laboratory Result Observation Profile - Data Minimization
      Generic Laboratory Result Observation Profile - Allowable Data
      Generic Laboratory Result Observation Profile - Data Minimization
    • Hide


      • performer ^short = "Organization which was responsible for laboratory record."
      • performer ^definition = "Organization which was responsible for laboratory record. Issuers SHOULD provide display name only. This is provided to Verifiers in case of invalid data in the credential, to support manual validation. This is not expected to be a computable Organization identifier."



      • performer ^short = "Organization which was responsible for laboratory record; typically the organization collecting the sample or performing the test."
      • performer ^definition = "Organization which was responsible for laboratory record. Typically this is the organization that collected the sample (e.g., a pharmacy or outpatient facility) or performed the test (e.g., a clinical laboratory). Issuers SHOULD provide display name only. This is provided to Verifiers in case of invalid data in the credential, to support manual validation. This is not expected to be a computable Organization identifier."



      Current: performer ^short = "Organization which was responsible for laboratory record." performer ^definition = "Organization which was responsible for laboratory record. Issuers SHOULD provide display name only. This is provided to Verifiers in case of invalid data in the credential, to support manual validation. This is not expected to be a computable Organization identifier."   Proposed: performer ^short = "Organization which was responsible for laboratory record; typically the organization collecting the sample or performing the test ." performer ^definition = "Organization which was responsible for laboratory record. Typically this is the organization that collected the sample (e.g., a pharmacy or outpatient facility) or performed the test (e.g., a clinical laboratory). Issuers SHOULD provide display name only. This is provided to Verifiers in case of invalid data in the credential, to support manual validation. This is not expected to be a computable Organization identifier."    
    • Max Mesnick/Craig Newman: 27-0-2
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive
    • current

      From discussion at https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/284830-smart.2Fhealth-cards/topic/My.20COVID.20Test.20Result:

      Also, the "Performer" is listed as "Abbott" rather than "Walgreens" – does this sound correct to you? (I had the test done at Walgreens; they used an Abbott manufactured test/platform.)

      User would likely expect "Walgreens" to appear in Performer.

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            masnick Max Masnick
            1 Start watching this issue
