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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-40797

MeasureReport.date could be misleading



    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Da Vinci DEQM (FHIR)
    • 3.1.0
    • Clinical Quality Information
    • DEQM Individual MeasureReport Profile
    • Profiles and Extensions
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      Change short description of the measureReport.date to  "When the report was generated.  Note: The language in R5 was changed to calculated.  We are clarifying that intent."

      DEQM individual profile currently describes .date as "When the report as calculated", update to "When the report was generated.  Note: The language in R5 was changed to calculated.  We are clarifying that intent."

      DEQM summary profile currently describes .date as "When the report was generated", add "Note: The language in R5 was changed to calculated.  We are clarifying that intent."

      Add a new date extension using a base canonical for MeasureReport.group for the calculation of the scores.  This would have a short description of "The date the score was calculated".  This is in the intro page for the extension "This applies to the date this metric was actually calculated. If your measure calculation draws on stored calculations and there are multiple calculation dates, this extension would not apply, as in the example of a composite measure where the individual measures were calculated on different dates.  This would only cover the case where there is only one calculation date."  Extension Name calculatedDate with a Cardinality 0..1, Type of dateTime.

      Use this extension in the DEQM profile until we can get this extension added to the Extension IG.

      We will add this extension to the base specification for R6 once it is available in the Extension IG.  Tracker: https://jira.hl7.org/browse/FHIR-41018





      Change short description of the measureReport.date to  "When the report was generated.  Note: The language in R5 was changed to calculated.  We are clarifying that intent." DEQM individual profile currently describes .date as "When the report as calculated", update to "When the report was generated.  Note: The language in R5 was changed to calculated.  We are clarifying that intent." DEQM summary profile currently describes .date as "When the report was generated", add "Note: The language in R5 was changed to calculated.  We are clarifying that intent." Add a new date extension using a base canonical for MeasureReport.group for the calculation of the scores.  This would have a short description of "The date the score was calculated".  This is in the intro page for the extension "This applies to the date this metric was actually calculated. If your measure calculation draws on stored calculations and there are multiple calculation dates, this extension would not apply, as in the example of a composite measure where the individual measures were calculated on different dates.  This would only cover the case where there is only one calculation date."  Extension Name calculatedDate with a Cardinality 0..1, Type of dateTime. Use this extension in the DEQM profile until we can get this extension added to the Extension IG. We will add this extension to the base specification for R6 once it is available in the Extension IG.  Tracker: https://jira.hl7.org/browse/FHIR-41018        
    • Bryn Rhodes/Matt Tiller: 16-0-0
    • Enhancement
    • Compatible, substantive


      There are many possible ways to calculate Care Gaps (from a technology perspective) and many of these systems are not to the point of calculating individual patient's outcome statuses just in time for these requests. When this is the case it becomes important to distinguish between when the MeasureReport was generated and when outcome was calculated. The current description of MeasureReport.date is "When the report was calculated" to me this is ambiguous on what is the date that is intended to be. 

      Suggested Solution: Split these two concepts keeping MeasureReport.date to mean when the MeasureReport was calculated and add an extension for Calculated Date to be used when these two concepts differ. 

      Calculated Date: The date when the outcome was calculated by the measure calculation engine. This is distinct from the MeasureReport.date as this is when the MeasureReport was generated which could differ. 




            yanheras Yan Heras
            cody_danielshak Cody Danielshak
            5 Start watching this issue

