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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-39791

RelatedPerson "SHOULD support search by name" should also require patient parameter


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium

      This ballot adds "SHOULD support searching using the name search parameter" to RelatedPerson.

      I think that implementers would be more likely to support this if it were "SHOULD support searching using the combination of name and patient search parameters" instead.

      This is because, in complex systems/scenarios, a single logical individual could be represented as a lot of RelatedPerson resources across different patients. This is exacerbated as the various "contexts" for a RelatedPerson increases - e.g. emergency contacts, guarantors, and family medical history might all be separate data. For systems that are not pure FHIR servers, this results in a very complex lookup if they must search across all patients. 

      In contrast, requiring the patient search parameter in addition to the name parameter makes this search criteria much more reasonable to support, and builds naturally off the pre-existing "SHOULD support searching using the patient search parameter". I would also expect most use-cases to have a specific patient in mind when searching over RelatedPerson.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            jjahns James Jahns
            2 Start watching this issue
