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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-39607

Allow definitionExpression to have content in addition to other characteristic.definition[xxx] methods


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • FHIR Core (FHIR)
    • R5
    • Clinical Decision Support
    • EvidenceVariable
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      Proposed disposition: Change the invariant rule –

      In a characteristic, at most one of these six elements shall be used: definitionReference or definitionCanonical or definitionCodeableConcept or definitionExpression or definitionId or definitionByTypeAndValue or definitionByCombination"

      to remove "or definitionExpression" from this rule. 

      Also, modify the definitionExpression to add an invariant rule of:

      When another element provides a definition of the characteristic, the definitionExpression content SHALL match the definition (only adding technical concepts necessary for implementation) without changing the meaning.'

      Proposed disposition: Change the invariant rule – In a characteristic, at most one of these six elements shall be used: definitionReference or definitionCanonical or definitionCodeableConcept or definitionExpression or definitionId or definitionByTypeAndValue or definitionByCombination" to remove "or definitionExpression" from this rule.  Also, modify the definitionExpression to add an invariant rule of: When another element provides a definition of the characteristic, the definitionExpression content SHALL match the definition (only adding technical concepts necessary for implementation) without changing the meaning. '
    • Brian Alper/Joanne Dehnbostel: 8-0-0
    • Enhancement
    • Compatible, substantive
    • R5

      To support the EvidenceVariable use for data exchange including both "simple structure" and expression-language-specific versions of characteristic definitions, and especially for the January connectathon with interests in sharing EvidenceVariable content for use with different execution engines, there is a need to allow both EvidenceVariable.characteristic.definitionExpression and one of the other EvidenceVariable.characteristic.definitionXXX elements to have compatible content. This is much simpler than requiring extensions or relatedArtifact use.

      Proposed disposition: Change the invariant rule ("In a characteristic, at most one of these seven elements shall be used: definitionReference or definitionCanonical or definitionCodeableConcept or definitionExpression or definitionId or definitionByTypeAndValue or definitionByCombination") to remove "or definitionExpression" from this rule.  Add to the definitionExpression an invariant rule of: 'When another element provides a definition of the characteristic, the definitionExpression content SHALL match the definition (only adding technical concepts necessary for implementation) without changing the meaning.'

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            balper Brian S. Alper
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