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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-39319

Review definition of Dosage.text


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • FHIR Core (FHIR)
    • R5
    • Pharmacy
    • Dosage
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      The intent of Dosage.text is to be a complete representation of the Dosage.  We will change the following attributes of Dosage.text:

      Short/Definition: A free text representation of the dosage.  This is commonly called the SIG.

      This element can be used for cases where the instructions are too complex to code. It is intended to be a complete representation of the dosage.  It is expected that this element SHOULD always be populated.  If structured data exists, this element SHOULD be used to represent the structured representation of any SIG data e.g., dose/rate, route, timing, duration, asNeeded, asNeededFor, sequence, max dose perPeriod, perAdministration, perLifetime, additionalInstructions.

      The intent of Dosage.text is to be a complete representation of the Dosage.  We will change the following attributes of Dosage.text: Short/Definition: A free text representation of the dosage.  This is commonly called the SIG. Requirements:  This element can be used for cases where the instructions are too complex to code. It is intended to be a complete representation of the dosage.  It is expected that this element SHOULD always be populated.  If structured data exists, this element SHOULD be used to represent the structured representation of any SIG data e.g., dose/rate, route, timing, duration, asNeeded, asNeededFor, sequence, max dose perPeriod, perAdministration, perLifetime, additionalInstructions.
    • John Hatem / Tim McNeil : 4-0-0
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive
    • R5

      The way dosage.text is defined seems to make it "additional" to the rest of the structured data. There is also a use case for a "text representation of the entire dosage".
      This ticket is raised to see if dosage.text is actually intended to be that use case ("entire"), or is "additional".
      If it is "additional" then there may be a need for a standard extension to cover the other use.
      Context is a UK requirement for two full representations of dosage - one pure string, one pure structured - so that either is sufficient, and you should not use both.

            rosemaryh Rosemary Hofstede
            riksmithies Rik Smithies
            2 Start watching this issue
