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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-39203

Don’t encourage jurisdictions to create new sex and gender extensions.


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • FHIR Core (FHIR)
    • R4
    • Patient Administration
    • Patient
    • 8.1.8
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      We are making several changes to the guidance and wording in the Sex and Gender section, including adjusting our approach for recommendations.  Specifically, we are moving any recommendations out of the FHIR base spec and into the GHP IG.

      The draft update is available here:


      We are making several changes to the guidance and wording in the Sex and Gender section, including adjusting our approach for recommendations.  Specifically, we are moving any recommendations out of the FHIR base spec and into the GHP IG. The draft update is available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ne73sA_4pQvmFy1w9FgGg1Z8M6zwCkryuC96vDjsMcw/edit?usp=sharing
    • Rob McClure / Brian Postlethwaite : 8-0-2
    • Correction
    • Non-substantive
    • R5

      I disagree. We've introduced a generic extension for conveying the sex/gender information important to a particular jurisdiction (or more accurately, issuer), we should encourage its use. Suggesting that jurisdictions create realm-specific extensions to convey the same content will lead to a reduction in interoperability.

      If there is a subtlety that I have missed here (jurisdictions want a place to record SAAB, regardless of issuer of that document?) please provide clarifying text in the spec.

      Existing Wording:

      For the purposes of exchanging these concepts, implementers are encouraged to define the specific sex or gender concept that is relevant for their use case, and create a use-case specific property or extension to represent that specific concept. For example, if the sex assigned at birth is an important concept in a specific jurisdiction, that jurisdiction can create an realm-specific extension for that concept. In cases where a specific property or extension is not practical, or there is a need to represent a historical field that is not well defined, there is a standard recordedSexOrGender extension that may be used.

      (Comment 11 - imported by: Ron G. Parker)

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Rongparker Ron G. Parker
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