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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-38904

Move patient association out of Device


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • FHIR Core (FHIR)
    • R5
    • Orders & Observations
    • Device
    • Hide

      Motion to:

      • add a new DeviceAssociation resource
        • create a resource proposal for FMG
      • Remove the Device.association backbone (includes subject and body structure) from Device to ensure that no patient identifying information is within a Device instance as re-usable devices would mix patient data and could inadvertently expose that to unauthorized users.
        • Add a note in the Boundary and Relationships on the purpose of Device visa vis DeviceAssociation.
        • Add an additional note in the Notes section to further clarify how, e.g., implantable devices were done before and how it is supposed to happen now.
      • Remove the Device.operationStatus backbone, but keep mode, cycle, and duration in Device and at main level.
      • Specifically clarify:
        • Difference between subject(Device) vs. Device.parent - RFID on wheelchair (subject(Device)) vs. BP monitor module in frame (parent) in DeviceAssoction in Notes
        • subject is who or what the device is used on/for, not the ownership or other general relationship such as manufacturer in Device
      • Add in the Boundaries and Relationship indicate that Observation is used to track changes in settings where Observation has the subject (eg., patient), device, and time window that enable you to relate to the proper DeviceAssociation or vise versa.  It is valid and likely that a patient is associated to the same device (yielding multiple DeviceAssociation instances) over time.
      • Add a constraint that one must have at least a subject or an operator.  Both is valid as well.
      • Perform impact and inform that everybody who references Device to re-assert whether to continue to reference Device or re-reference DeviceAssociation.
      • Define the initial structure as follows that enables on DeviceAssociation instance per relevant association:



      identifier   0..* Identifier Instance identifier
      device   1..1 Reference (Device) Reference to the devices associated with the patient or group
      category   0..* CodeableConcept Describes the relationship between the device and subject (e.g., ???)
      Will add example values
      status Σ 1..1 CodeableConcept Indicates the state of the Device usage
      FHIRDeviceAssociationStatus (Example)
      statusReason   0..* CodeableConcept The reasons given for the current association status
      subject   0..1 Reference (Patient | Group | Practitioner | RelatedPerson | Device)   The individual, group of individuals or device that the device is on or associated with.
      bodyStructure Σ 0..1 CodeableReference([BodyStructure http://build.fhir.org/bodystructure.html]) Current anatomical location of the device in/on subject
      period   0..1 Period Begin and end dates and times for the device association.
      Comment - Multiple individuals or devices could be associated with the device in the same period when the resolution is not required to be at level of specific start/end datetimes.
       operation   0..* BackboneElement The details about the device when it is in use to describe the actions, conditions and status
       operator   0..* Reference([Patient http://build.fhir.org/patient.html] | Practitioner | RelatedPerson) The individual performing the action enabled by the device
       period   0..1 period Begin and end dates and times for device operation



      Motion to: add a new DeviceAssociation resource create a resource proposal for FMG Remove the Device.association backbone (includes subject and body structure) from Device to ensure that no patient identifying information is within a Device instance as re-usable devices would mix patient data and could inadvertently expose that to unauthorized users. Add a note in the Boundary and Relationships on the purpose of Device visa vis DeviceAssociation. Add an additional note in the Notes section to further clarify how, e.g., implantable devices were done before and how it is supposed to happen now. Remove the Device.operationStatus backbone, but keep mode, cycle, and duration in Device and at main level. Specifically clarify: Difference between subject(Device) vs. Device.parent - RFID on wheelchair (subject(Device)) vs. BP monitor module in frame (parent) in DeviceAssoction in Notes subject is who or what the device is used on/for, not the ownership or other general relationship such as manufacturer in Device Add in the Boundaries and Relationship indicate that Observation is used to track changes in settings where Observation has the subject (eg., patient), device, and time window that enable you to relate to the proper DeviceAssociation or vise versa.  It is valid and likely that a patient is associated to the same device (yielding multiple DeviceAssociation instances) over time. Add a constraint that one must have at least a subject or an operator.  Both is valid as well. Perform impact and inform that everybody who references Device to re-assert whether to continue to reference Device or re-reference DeviceAssociation. Define the initial structure as follows that enables on DeviceAssociation instance per relevant association:   Name   Flags   Card.   Type     Description & Constraints  https://build.fhir.org/ig/FHIR/ig-guidance/readingIgs.html#table-views     Device Association TU   DomainResource                 identifier   0..* Identifier Instance identifier device   1..1 Reference (Device) Reference to the devices associated with the patient or group category   0..* CodeableConcept Describes the relationship between the device and subject (e.g., ???) Will add example values status Σ 1..1 CodeableConcept Indicates the state of the Device usage FHIRDeviceAssociationStatus  ( Example ) statusReason   0..* CodeableConcept The reasons given for the current association status subject   0..1 Reference (Patient | Group | Practitioner | RelatedPerson | Device)   The individual, group of individuals or device that the device is on or associated with. bodyStructure Σ 0..1 CodeableReference ([BodyStructure http://build.fhir.org/bodystructure.html]) Current anatomical location of the device in/on subject period   0..1 Period Begin and end dates and times for the device association. Comment - Multiple individuals or devices could be associated with the device in the same period when the resolution is not required to be at level of specific start/end datetimes.   operation   0..* BackboneElement The details about the device when it is in use to describe the actions, conditions and status   operator   0..* Reference ([Patient http://build.fhir.org/patient.html] |  Practitioner  |  RelatedPerson ) The individual performing the action enabled by the device  period   0..1 period Begin and end dates and times for device operation    
    • Marti Velezis / Elliot Silver : 8-0-2
    • Enhancement
    • Non-compatible
    • R5

      In R4 Device could be associated with a single patient. This works for implantable devices and other devices that are permanently associated with a patient. Many devices can be associate with multiple patients over time, e.g. a wheelchair, and that association may need to be tracked for, e.g. recall purposes.

      To address this, R5 Device changes that patient element to association[0..*].humanSubject. There are several issues with this approach: there is no time period associated with the association (FHIR-38637), and we end up with Device  resource containing data about multiple patients. The latter issue is particularly relevant because Device is in the patient compartment, and thus would leak PHI about other patients.

      A different approach is needed, such as: creation of a new "DeviceAssociation" resource, or updates to or profiling of DeviceDispense (e.g. adding an end date, or potentially using a List for each Device of Patient assignments, including of the end date of the assignment).

      This issue was discussed during the 2022-09 WGM, and several points were brought forth:

      • Are reassign-able devices within the 80% or is this extension territory (and thus we should revert back to the single patient in Device)?
      • Should we have a simple solution for single permanent assignment, and a different solution for more complex cases?
      • Any approach that differs from the R4 Device, including the current R5-ballot approach, has an impact on US Core Implantable Devices
      • Do we need a broader solution for "assignments over time" (what else can be assigned, and to whom)? Is there a pattern for "history" type records, such as the new EncounterHistory? We may need to establish a list of "assignable" or "history" resources, and work with other WGs to devise suitable resources/patterns.
      • There may be benefits a smaller scope solution that we can get into R5 to play with; rather than delaying for a more robust solution in R6.
      • General consensus that resource history isn't a "good" solution.
      • We need to review PHI/access control implications of any solution.
      • What is the defining characteristic of this association? Is it different from some item being assigned to a practitioner, or assigned to a location, etc.? Is this a way of tracking blood products assigned to a fridge? 
      • Do we need to include Transport in the list of "assignments"?
      • Is there a need to similarly track association of a Device to a Organization? (Is this in lieu of a patient, or in addition?)
      • DeviceDispense is the act of dispensing. The need here is a record of who had the device after the dispense and for how long. (The change of state has characteristics different from the resulting state.) We may also know that a patient has/had a device, but don’t have a record of it being dispensed. Need to distinguish from DeviceUseStatement which is a (patient) claim of use, which is different from a clinician or system assertion of association.
      • Consider if we need to track a period of use different (longer or shorter) from when the device was assigned. (i.e., the patient had the device from March 1, but didn’t do anything with it until April 15, etc.)
      • Why are AuditEvent and Provenance not appropriate? (AuditEvent is really around security, etc. decisions; neither resource is typically exchanged between systems.) Is EpisodeOfCare with a period aligned to the assignment appropriate? (Might be able to use for patient-assigned devices, but not for other assignments.) Can the association of a Practitioner to an Organization via PractitionerRole provide insight into the association of a Patient to a Device?
      • Do we track more than just the patient assignment? E.g., who operated a device during a procedure; when and by whom the device was maintained.
      • Need to be clear on boundaries between this and existing resources (may need to adjust).
      • Are there similarities with curated medication lists, and could the approach to one be used for the other?
      • Do we track association between devices/products, e.g. blood in a centrifuge. Review GenomicStudy for overlap or patterns, and adjust both resources appropriately.
      • Where are the device settings for a particular assignment recorded? Is that in here?

      If nothing else is done, we need to either remove Device from the patient compartment, or change the cardinality back to 0..1.

            costateixeira Jose Costa-Teixeira
            esilver Elliot Silver
            3 Start watching this issue
