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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-38815

Remove EvidenceVariable Scope notice suggesting preference for Group


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Not Persuasive
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • FHIR Core (FHIR)
    • R5
    • Clinical Decision Support
    • STU
    • EvidenceVariable
    • Hide

      This change has already been applied as part of the changes to the Group resource to support evidence variable use cases.

      This change has already been applied as part of the changes to the Group resource to support evidence variable use cases.
    • Brian Alper/Joanne Dehnbostel: 18-0-1

      Scope and Usage currently includes: The EvidenceVariable Resource allows expression of the components of a PICO question in codeable and reusable formats. As an exception, the Population specification will NOT use the EvidenceVariable Resource. The Population specification will use the Group Resource to facilitate interoperability in matching Evidence Resources to actual groups.

      Ballot question: The EvidenceVariable Resource has been modified to support expressions of complex eligibility criteria for implementer communities seeking alternatives to Group Resource for eligibility criteria for clinical trials. With these changes, the current EvidenceVariable Resource has greater flexibility than the Group Resource for Population specification. Please submit a ballot comment to note if you support a proposed change to the EvidenceVariable Scope and Usage to delete "As an exception, the Population specification will NOT use the EvidenceVariable Resource" and "The Population specification will use the Group Resource to facilitate interoperability in matching Evidence Resources to actual groups."


      STRONG RECOMMENDATION to delete the 2 sentences as proposed. With the substantial development of EvidenceVariable to support structured eligibility criteria it is now better suited than Group Resource for this function for a substantial community of implementers.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            balper Brian S. Alper
            Brian S. Alper, Khalid Shahin
            3 Start watching this issue
