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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-38423

Description requested of each type of FHIR resource



    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • US Public Health Profiles Library (FHIR)
    • 1.0.0-ballot
    • Public Health
    • Artifacts Summary
      Home Page
    • Hide

      We will add a description for each type of artifact as suggested.

      We will add guidance on how this library of profiles is expected to be used by other IGs once it is published. eCR and MedMorph, on their next releases (ballot/update) will no longer each have copies of the profiles in their IGs, they will simply reference the USPHPL profile (as one would reference a US Core profile) and remove the local copies from their IGs). i.e. the USPHPL profiles will replace the corresponding eCR and MedMorph profiles. The copies were an interim measure while there was no published version of USPHPL.

      We will add a description for each type of artifact as suggested. We will add guidance on how this library of profiles is expected to be used by other IGs once it is published. eCR and MedMorph, on their next releases (ballot/update) will no longer each have copies of the profiles in their IGs, they will simply reference the USPHPL profile (as one would reference a US Core profile) and remove the local copies from their IGs). i.e. the USPHPL profiles will replace the corresponding eCR and MedMorph profiles. The copies were an interim measure while there was no published version of USPHPL.
    • Sarah Gaunt / John Loonsk : 22-0-0
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive


      On the home page it would be helpful to have a description of each type of artifact for readers of the IG not familiar with eCR or MedMorph.

      For example a short description of what the "Architecture Profiles" are would be helpful on either the Artifacts Summary or HomePage. On the Artifacts Summary page 4.0.6 onwards have short 1 sentence description which are helpful context.

      It is also not clear how this IG is to be used by eCR and MedMorph currently from the description. How do the Canonical URLs work? Will https://hl7.org/fhir/us/ph-library/2022Sep/StructureDefinition-us-ph-content-bundle.html be referenced by MedMorph's content bundle profile now or replace it? This is unclear from the homepage text.




            minigrrl Sarah Gaunt
            alexander_goel Alex Goel
            1 Start watching this issue

