
    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive with Modification
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • US Da Vinci CDex (FHIR)
    • 1.1.0
    • Patient Care
    • STU
    • Sending Attachments
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      add to the first paragraph where it states:

      "This page documents a FHIR-based approach to sending attachments for claims or prior authorization directly to a Payer. This transaction is used for both solicited and unsolicited attachments. It is intended to be compatible with the X12n 275 transaction."

      The following:

      "Attachments must also be compatible with the X12 N 837I and 837P for claims purposes and the 278 response for authorizations. Compatibility assumes that the appropriate identifiers are supported in the submission to facilitate association of the attachment with the claim submission or authorization request."


      add to the first paragraph where it states: "This page documents a FHIR-based approach to sending attachments for claims or prior authorization directly to a Payer. This transaction is used for both solicited  and  unsolicited  attachments. It is intended to be compatible with the  X12n 275 transaction ." The following: "Attachments must also be compatible with the X12 N 837I and 837P for claims purposes and the 278 response for authorizations. Compatibility assumes that the appropriate identifiers are supported in the submission to facilitate association of the attachment with the claim submission or authorization request."  
    • Eric Haas/Jay Lyle: 7-0-1
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive

      The IG states "This page documents a FHIR-based approach to sending attachments for claims or prior authorization directly to a Payer. This transaction is used for both solicited and unsolicited attachments. It is intended to be compatible with the X12n 275 transaction."

      Attachments must also be compatible with the X12 N 837I and 837P for claims purposes. Because the X12 N 275 must be with the 837s, is it simply assumed that the FHIR-based approach is compatible with the 837s? I would appreciate a mention of 837 compatibility to be comprehensive.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            apreisler Andrea Preisler
            Andrea Preisler
            2 Start watching this issue
