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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-37681

Remove requirement related to code system order


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Quality Measures (FHIR)
    • 3.0.0
    • Clinical Quality Information
    • QMs
    • 3.2
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      Agree with recommendation to remove wording.

      Current wording:

      Valuesets and direct referenced codes are declared in the header section of the CQL using the CQL valueset and code constructs. In the case of direct referenced codes, a codesystem declaration must precede the code declaration (per CQL v1.3 specification). Examples of valueset and code declarations can be seen in the accompanying Terminology.cql.


      Proposed wording:

      Valuesets and direct referenced codes are declared in the header section of the CQL using the CQL valueset and code constructs. Examples of valueset and code declarations can be seen in the accompanying Terminology.cql.


      Update the examples at Terminology.cql linked above to the following:


      Agree with recommendation to remove wording. Current wording: Valuesets and direct referenced codes are declared in the header section of the CQL using the CQL valueset and code constructs. In the case of direct referenced codes, a codesystem declaration must precede the code declaration (per CQL v1.3 specification) . Examples of valueset and code declarations can be seen in the accompanying  Terminology.cql .   Proposed wording: Valuesets and direct referenced codes are declared in the header section of the CQL using the CQL valueset and code constructs. Examples of valueset and code declarations can be seen in the accompanying Terminology.cql .   Update the examples at Terminology.cql linked above to the following: .
    • Juliet Rubini/Stan Rankins: 24-0-0
    • Clarification
    • Non-substantive

      The following language is in this section: 

      In the case of direct referenced codes, a codesystem declaration must precede the code declaration (per CQL v1.3 specification).

      This sentence was added for CQL 1.3, which required codes and code systems to be defined in the same library. This requirement no longer exists and is prohibitive for reuse of code system in other libraries. Recommend removing sentence.

            bryn.rhodes Bryn Rhodes
            stan_rankins Stan Rankins
            3 Start watching this issue
