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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-37653

Align PCT Coverage with HRex 1.0.0 Coverage


    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Persuasive
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • US Da Vinci Patient Cost Transparency (PCT) (FHIR)
    • 0.1.0 [deprecated]
    • Financial Mgmt
    • PCT Coverage
    • Hide

      Remove davinci-pct-coverage Coverage.beneficiary constraint (defaulting to HRex Coverage.beneficiary)


      Change pct-gfe-Institutional and pct-gfe-Institutional Claim.patient to reference only HRex Patient Demographics


      Add Coverage.subscriber short description stating "Required if subscriber is a person that is not the beneficiary"


      Remove davinci-pct-coverage Coverage.subscriber reference to PCTPatient

      Remove PCTPatient Profile 

      Remove davinci-pct-coverage Coverage.beneficiary constraint (defaulting to HRex Coverage.beneficiary)   Change pct-gfe-Institutional and pct-gfe-Institutional Claim.patient to reference only HRex Patient Demographics   Add Coverage.subscriber short description stating "Required if subscriber is a person that is not the beneficiary"   Remove davinci-pct-coverage Coverage.subscriber reference to PCTPatient Remove PCTPatient Profile 
    • Corey Spears / Vanessa Candelora : 20-0-1
    • Correction
    • Non-compatible

      HRex 1.0.0 changed Coverage.beneficiary to a non-US core baed Patient resource called HRex Patient Demographics.

      Need to determine if these differences are appropriate for PCT and whether PCT Patient is required. (HRex Coverage subscriber requires US Core Patient)

      (Note PCT Patient and HRex Patient Demographics require a member ID, but have a different type code/system requirement)

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            corey_spears Corey Spears
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