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  1. FHIR Specification Feedback
  2. FHIR-37091

Specify event and spec update approach



    • Icon: Change Request Change Request
    • Resolution: Considered for Future Use
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • FHIRCast (FHIR)
    • 2.0.0
    • Infrastructure & Messaging
    • STU
    • Event maturity model [deprecated]
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      We'll investigate publishing the Event Library as it's own IG that is sponsored by InM and tightly visually integrated into the FHIRcast IG, but follows HL7 processes for it's own timelines and lifecycle. Notably, each event will have it's own event maturity and HL7 normative maturity. 

      Seeing the impact this has upon the spec, we plan to do this following the STU3 reballot. 

      We'll investigate publishing the Event Library as it's own IG that is sponsored by InM and tightly visually integrated into the FHIRcast IG, but follows HL7 processes for it's own timelines and lifecycle. Notably, each event will have it's own event maturity and HL7 normative maturity.  Seeing the impact this has upon the spec, we plan to do this following the STU3 reballot. 
    • Bas van den Heuvel / Trent Nolin: 7-0-0


      The intent of the FHIRcast Event Maturity Model is to attain broad community engagement and consensus before an event is labeled as mature, and to ensure that the event is necessary, implementable, and worthwhile to the systems that would reasonably be expected to use it.

      We should add guidelines on how we update the spec when only an event changes.




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            bvdh Bas van den Heuvel
            Bas van den Heuvel
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